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Snillingur dagsins

Q: "A California restaurant has refused to back down after being bombarded with negative press and customer reviews for posting a sign demanding that all diners provide proof that they have not been vaccinated against Covid-19.

"With the new and aggressive push for mandatory vax policies, we couldn't resist, so we are sending a message of our own. Hopefully most are smart enough to read between the lines. Otherwise we will just sit back and have fun watching their heads explode over it," Roman said in a statement to local media.

The negative press and reviews seem to have only emboldened the owner."

Heh. Bara dauðar endur synda með straumnum.  Það er smá von fyrir mannkynið.

Geðheilsa kóvitleysinga fór yfir móðuna miklu fyrir löngu


Q: "I burn my clothes in the supermarket carpark then slip on a fresh hazmat suit before heading home for a pressure wash in the garden follwed by a long bath in bleach. Then I virtue signal about it on twitter for a while."


Þetta er bara búðarferð...


Bandarískur hershöfðingi gerir sig að fífli á Twitter.

Ja... til þess er Twitter.

Fólk tjáir sig um skýrzlu EB.

Sem er hlutur sem er til í alvöru.


PayPal gengur í lið með hinu illa.

Q: "What kind of slippery slope are we on? And as long as we're playing identity politics, where's the counterterrorism organization trying to stop inner-city murders largely committed by blacks against other blacks? Wouldn't big tech have all sorts of location data, emails and texts from murder suspects? Or don't black lives actually matter to big tech?"

Haha!  Nei.

"Participating tech companies also include Twitter and YouTube, which routinely share hashes - unique digital fingerprints - in order to remove content from their services.

Fourteen companies can access the GIFCT database, including Reddit, Snapchat-owner Snap, Facebook-owned Instagram, Verizon Media, Microsoft’s LinkedIn and file-sharing service Dropbox."

Eftir stutta stund verða semsagt allir sem eru ekki svo úrkynjaðir að þeir hafa tvær Habsborgaravarir, eina fyrir hvorn munn, útskúfaðir af internetinu.

Semsagt, bara Rúv.is, Instagram og heimasíður raunverulegra hryðjuverkasamtaka.

"Meanwhile, the GIFTC has received criticism from human and digital rights groups over censorship.

"The group wants to continue to broaden its database to include hashes of audio files or certain symbols and grow its membership. It recently added home-rental giant Airbnb and email marketing company Mailchimp as members," according to the report.

It doesn't stop there. PayPal on Monday announced they're teaming up with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)."



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1 Smámynd: Guðmundur Ásgeirsson

Vel gert hjá "snillingi dagsins" að bjóða óbólusettu fólki upp á griðastað og vernd fyrir ágangi hinna bólusettu sem mesta smithættan stafar nú frá. Ég myndi vilja fá slíka staði hér á höfuðborgarsvæðinu.

Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 27.7.2021 kl. 20:21

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