Ofbeldisfull mótmęli

BLM hefur nokkuš til sķns mįls nśna

Q: "After three Texan women were arrested for assaulting a Carmine’s hostess who enforced New York City’s vaccine pass rules, Black Lives Matter picketed the restaurant and called out the government for the policy’s “racist” impact.

"I charge Carmine’s with trying to cover up their employees’ actions by using the vaccination passport as an excuse," said BLM NY leader Hawk Newsome, who led the protest.

The three women, residents of Houston and its suburb of Humble, were originally described merely as “Texan,” prompting an outpouring of online vitriol normally reserved for Republicans. The moment it emerged they were black, however, the story changed.

Claiming that 72% of New York City’s black residents aged 18 to 44 were unvaccinated, Chivona Newsome asked, "What is going to stop the Gestapo, I mean the NYPD, from rounding up black people, from snatching them off the train, off the bus?"

Jį.  Starti mašurinn treystir ekki rķkinu - aš gefnu tilefni - svo allt svona lagaš mun koma nišur į honum.

Aftur til ašskilnašarstefnunnar.

Óeiršir ķ Įstralķu eru ofbeldisfullar

Q: "Protesters had also clashed with police on Tuesday, with law enforcement vehicles trashed and bottles thrown, as they chanted their opposition to the vaccine mandate."

Ef žetta er svona į virkum dögum, hvernig veršur žį helgin?

Öll vištöl viš Bill Gates eru skrķtin.

Bill Gates er skrķtinn.

Sagt er aš einungis 20% grķskra vęndiskvenna séu bólusettar viš KķnaKvefi

Ég held ekki žaš sé vķrusinn sem žęr óttast mest.

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