Brandon & félagar

The Bee um Brandon & hans verk:

CNN: "Mayor Pete says supply chain disruptions will continue. He claims demand is up because the president has successfully guided this economy out of the teeth of a terrifying recession."

Ian Miles Cheong: "Pete is an idiot. Every other country besides the US managed to get their supply lines back up and running because they aren’t managed by total clowns."

Žetta er CNN.

Ķ Kanada:

Colin Powell deyr

"General Colin L. Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, passed away this morning due to complications from COVID-19,” read a statement posted to his official Facebook page.

He was fully vaccinated."

Hann var meš krabba.

Žaš er ekki hęgt aš kenna žessum um Ķraksstrķšiš, žaš voru ašrir, hįttsettari sem stjórušu žvķ alveg.  Hann "vann bara žarna."

Įstralska kóvitleysan er magnašari en annarsstašar:

"The latest encounter of an Aussie citizen with police in Melbourne shows officers actually briefly inspecting a man's beverage, apparently to ensure that his pulling down his mask in order to consume coffee was justified. It should also be noted that this took place outside in the fresh air of a public park..."

Eins og mašurinn komst aš orši:

"Melbourne Police grabs a guy's coffee cup to check if there is coffee in it otherwise, he would of fined him for not wearing a mask 

Coffee is known to kill COVID."

Hér er Daily mail

Engin sérstök frétt, rślliš bara nišur žetta og sjįš hvernig į aš gera fyrirsagnir.  Hressandi, ef mašur hefur bara lesiš Vķsi/MBL.

Tim Pool segir okkur aš USA er aš bila.  Mikiš.

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