Ekki Babylon Bee


WHO sleppir staf til žess aš komast hjį žvķ aš bendla Kķna kvefiš meira viš Kķna

"The WHO decided to skip the next letter of the Greek Alphabet in naming the latest COVID-19 Variant.

“Xi” may be embarrassing to China.
So they skipped Xi and named it Omicron."

Žessa dagana er erfitt aš greina satżru frį veruleikanum.

Og žetta er ekki allt:

"The news of the Omicron variant shook the world. Joe Biden immediately banned travel from five countries in south Africa.

In fact, the Biden administration was so shaken by the news that they decided to completely leave open the US Southern border with Mexico."

Mig grunar etta sé ekki tekiš alvarlega.

Svo žvķ ętti ég, eša nokkur annar aš gera žaš?

Žiš eruš aš henda mannréttindum ykkar fyrir ekkert.

Talandi um žaš:

"Blue states, some of which had the most restrictive requirements in the country throughout the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, are experiencing massive surges of the virus as the holiday season arrives...

The Sunshine State, whose Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) stood against longterm lockdowns, continues to have the lowest coronavirus rate per capita in the nation, sitting at six."

Hvaš segir hinn illręmdi Gušni TH um žetta?

Uppreisnin gegn fasisma stendur yfir ķ Kalķfornķu

"Scott Thomson, vice mayor of Oroville, California, explains why his town has become a "sanctuary city" against tyrannical COVID mandates imposed by Gavin Newsom.

“I don't believe that anybody wins when the government has more authority,” Thompson emphasised, adding and “every time that you lose freedom, usually it takes bloodshed to get it back.”

“We're getting threats of loss of money for our city, but for us, and especially for me, they can have their money; we want freedom in California, we want freedom in Oroville, and so that's what we’re standing up for,” Thompson further urged."

Gott mįl.

Babylon Bee

"SAN FRANCISCO, CA—In a beloved San Fran tradition, stores across the city are holding their annual 100% off Black Friday sale today, offering shoppers the opportunity to come in, throw as much stuff in a bag as they can fit, and run out of the store."

Eins og stašan er oršin žvķ ekki?

Hér eru umhverfissinnar aš hóta aš bśa til meiri mengun, og myrša fólk.

Įstralir mótmęla fasisma.

Svona er žetta.

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1 Smįmynd: Jón Steinar Ragnarsson

Fun fact um žennan gešklofna Susuki. 1992 notaši hann dóttur sķna ķ įróšursherferšum gegn global warming. Nįkvęmlega sama dęmi og Greta vinkina okkar Tunberg, svo žetta gimmikk er ekki nżtt af nįlinni. Reyndar fleiri dęmi um aš misnota börn, sem bśiš er aš ęra af hręšslu ķ žessum tilgangi.


Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 27.11.2021 kl. 20:11

2 Smįmynd: Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson

Leftistar eru barna-nķšingar, ķ öllum merkingum žess oršs.
Hvaš annaš er nżtt?

Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 28.11.2021 kl. 09:23

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