Fólk batnar ekki milli daga

Þið fallið fyrir þessu í hvert skifti.

Þetta er meinlaust, fíflin ykkar

"Contrary to the panicmongering unleashed by western mainstream median, Barry Schoub, chairman of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, told Sky News on Sunday that while South Africa, which first identified the new variant, currently has 3,220 people with the coronavirus infection overall and while the variant does appear to be spreading rapidly, there’s been no real uptick in hospitalizations..."

Þetta síast ekki inn hjá fólki, er það?

Þessi spáir rétt, held ég.

The bee:

"WUHAN—Thousands gathered outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology with faces of anxious anticipation over the weekend, as rumors had been circulating that a new COVID-19 variant would soon be named. The hopeful pilgrims' hours of waiting were not in vain. Cheers erupted as white smoke began pouring out of the chimney early Sunday morning, signaling the creation and naming of a new COVID-19 variant.

"It was a lively debate," said one source from inside the Wuhan lab. "Yuhang suggested we just keep following the Greek alphabet and name it Xi. We haven't heard from him in a few days, come to think of it."

"Nu" was also floated as a possibility, but scientists wanted to avoid the stigma of being associated with nu-metal, generally acknowledged as the worst musical genre on the planet."

En að alvarlegri málum:

Við ættum að taka okkur Indverja & Kínverja til fyrirmyndar

"The world’s greatest polluters are set to receive $2 billion in climate aid."

Kínversk stjórnvöld = gáfuð.  Íslensk stjórnvöld = sauð-heimsk.

100% afsláttur um helgina.

"The mayhem of Thanksgiving week follows a three-night-long free-for-all in California’s Bay Area last weekend, previously reported by Breitbart News.

Looters hit high-end stores like Louis Vuitton and Yves Saint Laurent in San Francisco’s Union Square on November 19. The next night a group of 50-80 rushed a Walnut Creek Nordstrom near San Francisco."

Hvenær kemur þessi siður hingað?

Réttarhöld yfir þessum pedó byrja í dag

"Ghislaine Maxwell placed job adverts for recruits to answer phones ‘during school holidays’ when she allegedly trafficked girls for Jeffrey Epstein, the Daily Mail can reveal today."

"Federal cases are not televised.

Use this phone number, 844 721 7237

Access code 999 1787.

This starts tomorrow Monday, Nov. 29th.

You can listen to the audio."

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