Allt kemur į óvart žeim sem ekki fylgist meš

Af Vķsi

"Kitty Anderson formašur Instersex Ķslands segist hafa fundiš fyrir bakslagi ķ žjóšfélaginu hvaš varšar mįlefni hinseginfólks og nś sé mikilvęgara aš hinseginsamfélagiš komi saman en įšur."

Žaš er vissulega mikiš til ķ žvķ sem Kitty Andersen segir:

"Far-left protesters in Brighton, England gathered to oppose a small group protesting a Drag Queen Story Hour event for children at the Jubilee Library on Thursday. The City Council says it supports event because of diversity.

Local resident Liz Brynin, 75, who attended the protest said she objects to drag for children and is concerned about the messages that the book sends to them. "It’s an insidious introduction to quite a dark world with a lot of very unhappy people," said Brynin."

En uppruna andśšarinnar, bakslagsins, mį aušveldlega śtskżra meš dęmum:

Žetta er aš fara mjög illa ķ taugarnar į mörgum

"Students at Manhattan’s Grace Church High School say they were supposed to attend Wednesday church services on April 27th, 2021 when they were greeted with a surprise substitution show featuring a dancing drag queen in orange go-go boots called “Brita Filter” (the symbolism of the stage name is unknown).  The event was sponsored by “Spectrum,” the school's LGBT support club and members of the school faculty.

The students allege they felt pressured to participate and had to pretend they enjoyed the event."

Įttręš amma bannfęrš fyrir aš mótmęla pervert

"An 80-year-old woman was banned from using the YMCA community pool after complaining about a man dressed in a woman’s swimsuit watching little girls undress in the locker room of a YMCA in Washington state.

Traditional values are depleting as society discriminates against the average person to accommodate the LBGTQ-plus community, Jaman argued."

Žaš er mjög ęšislegt fólk sem normķsarnir eru aš įtta sig į aš žeir žurfa aš sętta sig viš

"A trans activist who boasted of an illegal drug scheme to distribute prescription hormone medications to children is also accused of rape by multiple victims."

Fólk utan vesturlanda skilur žetta allt mjög vel.

Žetta hefur veriš ķ vinnzlu lengi

"Newsom signed SB145, the bill that allows a 24 year old to have sex with a 14 year old and escape a felony conviction and requirement to be a registered sex offender."

Žessu nįtengt:

"They figure, if the corporate world can be pushed to go full woke, then this will trickle down to the general public and influence our behaviors and thinking.  Except, it hasn't exactly worked out that way.  Resistance to woke propaganda is growing exponentially and many of these companies are losing a huge portion of their customer base."

Žś skilur nema žś hafiš fališ žig innķ helli undanfarna 2 įratugi.  Žaš žarf talsvert įtak til žess aš skilja žetta ekki.

Kannski, ef žau slökkva į Twitter ķ nokkra daga og skoša hvaš er raunverulega į seyši ķ heiminum, skilja žau.

Efast um aš žeim detti aš ķ hug samt.


Fólk er dįldiš sloj.

Ķ góšum fréttum.


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