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Smį 'Nam fķlingur ķ žessu

"The British Royal Marines have carried out high-risk special operations on the ground in Ukraine, according to the former head of the elite unit, who said UK commandos have been deployed to the country on more than one occasion this year."

Og žetta:

"The Biden administration is mulling stepping up the US troop presence inside Ukraine as part of a program to attempt to track the billions of dollars in weaponry being handed out to its forces. However, some critics are already pointing out the obvious: This is classic mission creep,"

'Nam mśsik.


"Medical pathologists from Heidelberg University Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany have published direct evidence showing how people found dead after mRNA vaccination died. As this team of six scientists explore in their study, these mRNA-vaccinated patients suffered from heart damage because their hearts were attacked by their own immune cells. This autoimmune attack on their own heart cells then leads to their damaged hearts beating so many times per second that, once the tachycardia unexpectedly started, they died in minutes."

Vķsindi.  Žiš voruš alltaf aš röfla eitthvaš um aš fylgja žeim. 


Žjófur lendir ķ fangelsi fullu af rottum

"Bankman-Fried on Tuesday told the magistrate he couldn’t go to jail because he’s a vegan and depressed.

The judge denied his bail and he was marched to an overcrowded jail." 

Ķ Brazilķu

"Lawyer Ricardo Vasconcelos has appealed to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case of Chief Serere Xavante: "The arrest of Serere constitutes a crime under Article 58 and 59 of Statute 6001/73, exacerbated by the fact he is a tribal leader, and violates due process and the special legal status of the Indigenous. For the first time in modern history, a leader of the indigenous peoples has been arrested for the crime of free speech, and his attorneys cannot even defend him, because they do not know what crime he has been charged with. This is the sign of a tyrannical regime, in which anyone with a differing opinion can be arrested. The charge of endangering democracy is not a crime, because it is not defined.""

Ekkert sem viš hér į Fróni könnumst ekki viš.


Psyop ķ Žżzkalandi

"German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s life would have been in grave danger had the police not foiled alleged coup preparations by so-called ‘Citizens of the Reich’, the New York Times has reported.

...the alleged ringleader, Heinrich XIII, Prince of Reuss, who would have taken over the reins in Germany if the coup had succeeded, purportedly tried to establish ties with the Russian consulate in the city of Leipzig."

Rśssar.  Hljómar minna trśveršugt žį.

Žżzkaland nśna einręšisrķki

"RT spoke on the new planned broadside against Russian media with Sonja van den Ende, a Dutch journalist, who believes the ongoing crisis has become a pretext to intensify the years-long crackdown on freedom of speech in the West."

Nokkuš augljóst, reyndar.

Kķnverjar geta tekiš Tęvan.  Žeir ęttu lķka aš rįša mjög aušveldlega viš Įstrali.  Įstralķa er "sitjandi önd."  

... jęja.

"During a Congressional hearing on ‘anti-LGBTQ violence,’ a Democratic Representative parroted the same claim as several LGBTQ activists that the terms ‘groomer’ and ‘pedophile’ are discriminatory against sexual preferences and gender identity.

"You know, this allegation of "groomer" and "pedophile," it is alleging that a person is criminal somehow and engaged in criminal acts merely because of their gender identity, their sexual orientation, their gender identity," Porter claimed."

Žaš var nś įgętt.


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