Úkraína hlýtur að vera eign Bandaríkjanna núna


Ég hef spurningar:

1: Er það bara í lagi að mæta á þing haað lands sem er og veifa þar framandlegum fána?

2: Hversu tengdir eru Úkrainumenn USA?

3: Finnst öllum þetta bara OK?  (Held ekki, en verð að spyrja.)

4: Er Úkraina að verða eitthvert nýtt fylki í USA?

Hvað í andsk...

Mér líkar ekkert við hvert þetta mál er komið.  Og ekki byrjaði það á góðum stað.

Það er ekkert göfugt að ske þarna.


Þið eigið að vita þetta núna, nema þið séuð sviðakjammar á fæti

"A stunning pre-print study by the Cleveland Clinic published Monday at medRxiv shows that MRNA vaccines raise the risk of contracting COVID-19 and that each MRNA vaccine booster increases the risk of contracting COVID-19, while those who have not received any MRNA vaccine have the lowest risk of contracting COVID-19."


Þýzkir skriðdrekar eru POS

"Not a single one of Germany’s 18 modernized Puma tanks intended for the NATO Rapid Reaction Force (NRF) were deemed fit for action during a recent military drill, according to reports by German news outlet Der Spiegel.

The Puma infantry fighting vehicles were expected to be used by NATO’s NRF, however their operation problems are the latest in a long line of failures affecting Germany’s military capabilities."





"The myth of the US labor shortage is about to come crashing down courtesy of the Philadelphia Fed (just as we have been warning for months), but it is about to be replaced with the stark reality of China's all too real lack of workers.

China’s working-age population, aged 16-64, is forecast to drop by 35 million over the next five years and to plunge by more than 60% over the next eight decades, according to a report released by the United Nations in July. At the end of 2020, there were 264 million people over the age of 60 in mainland China, and that total is projected to surge to 400 million and account for more than 30% of China’s population by 2035, according to the National Health Commission."

Kína er fucked.

Allt hluti af hinni daglegu vitleysu

"According to section 708 of the bill, the establishment media will be given a "commemorative" location in Washington, D.C., to honor "journalists""

... jæja.


Amerísk pólitík speglar Íslensa pólitík.

Bretland fer á hausinn sökum eigin heimsku

"“Household incomes continued to fall in real terms, albeit at a slower rate than in the previous two quarters, while – taking account of inflation – household spending fell for the first time since the final Covid-19 lockdown in the spring of 2021.”"


Költistar skemma jólatré

"German climate protesters lopped off the top of a Christmas tree at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate on Wednesday, in a demonstration against fossil fuels. The group responsible has led a months-long campaign of traffic disruption and vandalism."


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