Börnin á elliheimilunum

Móðir handtekin fyrir að mótmæla morði dóttur sinnar

"The mother of Ashli Babbitt, the woman killed by a United States Capitol Police officer on Jan. 6, was arrested outside of the Capitol on Friday, the two-year anniversary of her daughter's death.

On Jan. 6, 2021, Babbitt, an unarmed Air Force veteran, was fatally shot by Lt. Michael Byrd. while attempting to make entry into the interior of the Capitol Building."

Vesturlönd í dag.

... aha.

4Chan útskýrir hvers vegna börnin á elliheimilinum dóu.

Þegar mönnum er mál:

Ekkert um það meira að segja.

Simon Pegg hefur sennilega rétt fyrir sér

""So Rishi Sunak, our unmandated, unelected prime minister twice removed, has decided it should be compulsory for children to learn Maths up until the age of 18 – what a prick," the actor said. "But no. Rishi Sunak wants a fucking drone army of data-entering robots. Fuck the Tories. Get rid of them. Please! Fuck you, Rishi Sunak, and fuck the Tories""

Rétt, en af röngum ástæðum.  Sem gerist.


Ekki angra menn þegar þeir eru að borða taco

"On Thursday, ABC13 reported that an unidentified black male suspect walked into the El Ranchito #4 restaurant around 11:30 pm where 10 customers were eating, and began to circle the store while waving a weapon and shoving what appeared to be stolen cash in his pockets. An unidentified customer shot and killed the suspect, according to police, and then returned the money back to the customers."


Hér getiði dánlódað "haturs meme"

Veit ekki hvaða eiturlyf þeir hafa verið' að taka, þeir sem dunduðu sér við að taka þetta saman, en þau voru sko ososm.

Public domain núna

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