Neil Young er nęstur

Einn stofnenda "Screaming trees" lįtinn.

Samansafn af illmennum sem hafa sloppiš śr James Bond-mynd halda įrshįtiš.

""I hope this time around, once we’re building this new world order or new rules based order, the voice of the global south and the developing world is included," said Zardari.

Another speaker complained about countries valuing their own sovereignty over the interests of the world order."


Al Gore heldur aš sjórinn sé aš sjóša.

"you heard him correctly... six-hundred-thousand Hiroshima bombs every single day - according to his bizarre rant, which he further said is "boiling the oceans" and creating "rain bombs" and "atmospheric rivers" resulting in millions of "climate refugees"."

Žaš eru örugglga til einhver lyf viš žessu, jafnvel mešferšir.  Hann žarf žęr.

Forstjóri Siemens vill skifta sér af žvķ hvaš viš boršum

"Danish businessman and chairman of the German manufacturing giant Siemens, Jim Hagemann Snabe pushed the Great Reset agenda of replacing meat with synthetic proteins at a "Mobilizing for Climate" panel at the annual globalist meeting in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday.

"If a billion people stop eating meat, I tell you, it has a big impact. Not only does it have a big impact on the current food system, but it will also inspire innovation of food systems," Snabe said, adding: "I predict we will have proteins not coming from meat in the future, they will probably taste even better.""

Ég treysti engum Snabe fyrir mķnum mat.

WEF tónlist er ekki af žessum heimi

Hvaša heimi?  Žaš veit ég ekki.

Rogan um kommśnista

"On Wednesday's episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, the host spoke to independent researchers Jimmy Corsetti and Ben van Kerkwyk and the trio discussed how Covid brought out the Orwellian nature of leaders like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and outgoing Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern.

"Covid came along and they saw an opportunity to control people and a reason to do so," Rogan said. "'We're all in danger' and they exaggerate that danger greatly and use it to clamp down on you and force you into these pharmaceutical drugs that you have to take and 'do this' and 'do that,' 'we gotta lock ya home' and 'stay here' and 'we're gonna redistribute wealth.'

"It's like, whoa, you guys are f*cking demons. I didn't know you were demons. I thought you were just governors and mayors and sh*t," Rogan added."

Hann hittir naglann į höfušiš.

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