Útför í eldspítustokkum

Útfarir í geimnum

"A rise in space burials has occurred in New Zealand, the UK, and the United States in recent years.

Companies such as Beyond Burial, Aura Flights, and Celestis have been blasting the ashes of family’s loved ones into space for several years and surprisingly it's not as expensive as you think."

Semsagt, útför, ekki jarðarför.  Höfum það á hreinu.

Hún hlustaði ekki, og verður nú jörðuð í eldspitustokkum.

Great balls of fire

"Clemson basketball player Brevin Galloway took to Instagram and shared that his balls and nut sack exploded."

... ha.

Það sem er ritskoðað á einum stað birtist bara á öðrum


Í stórum dráttum, þetta.

Við þurfum þetta.

Antifa hótar að kveikja í New York

"According to the Daily Mail, the outlet obtained a poster that told Antifa to assemble at various locations throughout NYC and then Burn It All Down."

... sem er það sem Antifa gerir.

Meira fjör í framtíðinni

"Hollywood A-listers and moguls are in total panic fearing journalist Nikki Finke’s explosive tell-all files will be leaked — or fall into the wrong hands — after the notorious journalist spent decades burying damaging dirt on show business’ biggest names, RadarOnline.com has learned.

Knowing her days were numbered due to poor health, Finke “began mailing out packets to trusted friends — and press outlets — containing allegations that are, in some cases, ‘Harvey-level bad,’ to direct quote someone who’s seen some of them,” the anonymous tipster wrote, referencing disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein"

Fjöldasamtök barnageldara ráðast á fólk sem mótmælir þeim


"The protestors can be seen in the footage trying to distract from the speech, using noisemakers, whistles, megaphones, loud drumming, dancing, signs reading "Cis people are creepy," "Teens [love] drag shows," and "Trans girls need guns.""

Í eina tíð voru kynskiftingar ekki jafn ofbeldishneigðir.

Menn í dýra-búningum ráðast á kvenréttindakonur

"A women’s rights event scheduled to take place in Scotland next month will be met with a counter-protest of LGBTQ cabaret singers and dancers as well as a group of adults with a penchant for dressing up as animals."

UK hefur bestu mótmælin.

Karíókí í helvíti

"Austin, TX, Pastor Gerald A. Johnson (who for some reason is being called a priest) released a TikTok video where he explains that in 2016 he had a heart attack and went to hell where demons sang Rihanna songs to torture people."


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