Þess vegna eru Evrópumenn hræddir við Apabólu


Góðar fréttir fyrir Sigurgeir & félaga

"I give you Spain's new Animal Welfare Law that decriminalizes having sex with animals because zoophiles are just another spectrum on the trans flag."

Það er einn hængur á: "if someone kills a rat in their house they can be find 50,000 euros and can be imprisoned for up to a year and half."

Sigurgeir & co þurfa að fara varlega með nagdýrin.

Þetta útskýrir Apa-bólu panikkið svo vel.

Meira af kynferðislega brengluðu fólki:

Tranni vill myrða Reyni Traustason

"Samkvæmt heimildum Fréttarinnar á maður að nafni Hlynur Már Vilhjálmsson, starfsmaður á Landspítalanum og transaktívisti, að hafa ausið viðkomandi fúkyrðum og hótað lífláti. Málið sé á leið til lögreglu."

Tranni hótar að myrða JK Rowling

"A trans activist and author who signed a petition against the New York Times for publishing favorable pieces on publicly gender-critical author J.K. Rowling has publicly threatened to kill her and other "transphobes.""


Hvaðan kemur þetta hatur tranna?

Friðarsinnar mótmæla

"The protest under the motto “Make Peace” was organized by Covid lockdown opponents “Munich Stands Up!” and was open to all political affiliations. Speakers included Leftist MP Dieter Dehm and journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer, formerly of Merkel’s Christian Democrats.

The ruling Green Party used to be the party of the German peace movement, hailing from the Anti-Reagan protests of the 1980s, but now is fully in thrall to the World Economic Forum, Open Society and the National Endowment for Democracy. Green Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is a Young Global Leader and a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and German Marshall Fund, which funds Twitter censorship of conservative users, as Matt Taibbi reported."

Þetta er sennilega flokkað sem hatursglæpur.

Bretar mótmæla fyrirhuguðum fangelsisnýlendum

""The 15-minute neighbourhoods proposal aims to ensure that every resident has all the essentials (shops, healthcare, parks) within a 15-minute walk of their home. They aim to support and add services, not restrict them," the Oxford Council claimed.""

Verið að troða á ferðafresli fólks.

Vondar fréttir fyrir kommúnista

"A 16-year-old suspected in the fatal shooting of another teenager at an El Paso, Texas, mall on Wednesday was stopped by an armed bystander who wasn’t afraid to fire."

Mörgum lífum bjargað.

Tragískt.  Ef þú ert hræddur kommúnisti.

Shakespeare var hægri-öfgamaður

"Works by JRR Tolkien, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell and even William Shakespeare, as well as classic movies ‘The Bridge on the River Kwai’ and ‘The Great Escape’ were cited in a list published by the British paper on Saturday as being highlighted by the counter-terrorism watchdog, for their potential use by far-right agitators to promote troublesome viewpoints online."

Talandu um Orwell:

Roald Dahl ritskoðaður

"Roald Dahl’s publishing company and his heirs have agreed that his works are just too much for children’s sensibilities and must be sterilized, simplified, and even augmented to make them nicer…actions that effectively erase everything that made Dahl unique."

Kommúnistar eru menningarsnauðir.

Kommúnistar vilja fangelsa ykkur, skera kynfærin af börnunum ykkar, nauðga dýrunum ykkar, eitra fyrir ykkur og láta ykkur borða pöddur.

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