Barįttan er endalaus

Go woke, get fired.

Hver man ekki eftir moršóša trannanum sem myrti alla žessa krakka fyrir skömmu?

... einn af nokkrum.  Eftir aš žetta fylki bannaši kynfęralimlestingar į börnum žį fylltist žessi barnageldari bręši, og myrti nokkur börn og kennara žeirra.  Budweiser bendlušu sjįlfa sig viš žetta mįl, eftir krókaleišum, og er aš sśpa seišiš af žvķ.

Barnageldarar eru moršóšasti hópur i heimi nśna, meš fleiri en fimm fjöldamorš į samvizkunni į innan viš įri.  Bara ķ USA.  Gott fyrir hóp sem er ekk einu sinni heilt prósent af žżšinu.  Į sama tķma hafa Islamskir öfgamenn ekki myrt neinn žar, og svertingjar bara fįeina tugi - ekkert mišaš viš höfšatölu.  

En hvaš um žaš: moršóši barnageldarinn skrifaši manifesto, sem yfirvöld hafa undir höndum, en vilja ekki gera opinbert: "Nashville Police told FOX News in late April that they will finally release the manifesto of the trans shooter that they recovered from her car following the attack on March 27, 2023.

28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a transgender former student murdered three 9-year-olds and three adults last month in a mass shooting at the school. Hale fired off 152 rounds during the targeted attack on the Christian School. 

The local authorities and FBI refused to release the manifesto to the public following the mass shooting by Hale in March.

The release of the manifesto has been hotly debated since it was found at the home of Audrey Hale, 28, who killed three children and three school workers at Covenant Christian Academy before being shot dead by police.

The manifesto was among other ‘writings’ that were submitted to the Davidson County Chancellor’s chambers on Friday, including a map in which Hale detailed how the incident would take place."

Mśslimar aš gera įrįs į samkundu samkynhneigšra

"Students from a high school in Ghent, Belgium, were forced to flee after Muslim teenagers spit on their LGBT stall and flag while shouting “Allahu Akbar,” meaning “God is the greatest.”

A group of young Muslim students from The Atlas College in Genk, Belgium, attacked a school “LGBTQIA+” event on Thursday, RAIR Foundation reported."


Hér er Biden aš halda ręšu viš śtför KKK mešlims, vinar sķns.

Į mešan, ķ Kanada

"For every Amir Farsoud, there's a Sophia who doesn't get saved. Sophia couldn't afford better housing to help with her condition, and rather than pay for the housing, the state paid for euthanasia.

Another woman opted for MAID because her medical debt was too high, which is a crazy thought in a country with socialized medicine.

Roger Foley, another man who said his hospital wanted to off him, testified before the Canadian Parliament. During that testimony, he said it doesn't seem like medical care is free is if MAID is a cheaper option for the government. He claims the doctors said they would charge him $1,800 per day if he didn't agree to MAID."


Drengur meš allskonar and-sósķalķskar ķdeasjónir bjargar systur sinni

"On Thursday, the suspect allegedly emerged from the woods behind the girl’s backyard. He grabbed her and covered her mouth, and intended to take her back into the woods. She was alone in the backyard, but her brother noticed what was happening through a window inside the house. 

“He was able to grab his slingshot and was able to slingshot something that hit the suspect right in the head. And that caused him to let go. The girl was able to struggle and get away and he shot another one, hit the suspect in the chest and then fled the scene,” the Alpena Post Commander, Lt. John Grimshaw told 9and10news."

Ég veit aš necro-pedoarnir verša fślir viš mig fyrir aš segja žetta, en gott hjį honum.

Barįttan heldur įfram.

"Jordan Neely, the mentally ill New York City man who died while having an erratic outburst, was on the city’s “top 50” list of at-risk homeless people who stood out for the severity of their troubles and resistance to help, the New York Times reported."

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