30.5.2023 | 18:36
Hvað ef Michael Jordan er bara mjög hávaxinn dvergur?
"Left-wing extremism is linked to toxic, psychopathic tendencies and narcissism, according to a new study published to the peer-reviewed journal Current Psychology.
"According to this principle, individuals with dark personalities such as high narcissistic and psychopathic traits are attracted to certain forms of political and social activism which they can use as a vehicle to satisfy their own ego-focused needs instead of actually aiming at social justice and equality," they told PsyPost."
Beyond using any means necessary, people of privileged backgrounds who are aligned with LWA often use their narcissism to make activism solely about themselves instead of achieving social equality for struggling groups."
Vissum það svosem.
"Laun æðstu ráðamanna munu hækka um 6 til 6,3 prósent þann 1. júlí næstkomandi. Laun forsætisráðherra hækka um 156 þúsund krónur."
Haldiði í alvöru að þetta fólk sé að vinna fyrir okkur?
Ef svo er, af hverju haldiði það?
Fact Check á Twitter eru betri núna.
"Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has issued a terrifying proposition to any nation that joins Russia and Belarus. Like an Oprah Christmas Special: Nukes for everyone."
Hver er eiginlega að lána þennan pening?
"Global debt levels soared by $8.3 trillion in the first quarter of 2023, climbing to $305 trillion, nearly the record high set in the first quarter of 2022, according to the Institute of International Finance. This means almost 335% of GDP.
There is no such thing as public debt. We pay it, always. With higher taxes, higher inflation, or larger budget cuts, maybe all at the same time."
"...what started as clashes between ethnic Serbs and Kosovo police has spiraled into violence as NATO troops have struggled to crackdown on raging protests."
Slagsmál sem berast út á götu, jafnvel víðar.
Ég hef litla trú á Ameríska hernum núna.
"Recently, NOVA Campaigns discovered a gay furry couple was posting their own photos in costume and military gear."
Ehm... why?
NY skilja ekki þetta "Barnaefni"
"The new, live-action The Little Mermaid is everything nobody should want in a movie: dutiful and defensive, yet desperate for approval. It reeks of obligation and noble intentions. Joy, fun, mystery, risk, flavor, kink theyre missing,
The reviewer complained that there was not enough carnality, which of course, is defined as feeling morbid sexual desire or a propensity to lewdness."
Kink & Carnality. Fyrir börn.
"Video shared to social media the other day shows body cam footage of a vehicle driving up the ramp of a flatbed tow truck, going airborne and flipping in the air. The occupants reportedly survived."
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