Allt er svo ritskošaš nś žegar aš žaš er fįtt aš marka lengur

Fullt af gögnum į netinu

"Nearly 10,000 photos from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop were uploaded to a new website -, which has been intermittently unavailable since launch due to overwhelming traffic.

The site includes;

Pictures (with location metadata)


Suspicious Activity Reports

Influence peddling

Ashley Biden's diary"

Mjög furšulegt klįm, ekki allra.

Žvķ meira sem žetta er rannsakaš, žvķ verra veršur žaš

"A groundbreaking study conducted by the renowned Cleveland Clinic, ranked as the second-best hospital in the world, has found that a higher number of COVID-19 vaccine doses received increases the risk of infection with COVID-19."

Lesiš žetta bara sjįlf.

Fólk fęr žaš sem žaš baš um og fer ķ fżlu

"As The Gateway Pundit recently reported, the city of Chicago has approved $51 million in spending on illegal immigrants.

This has many in Chicago’s black community outraged, as they think that sort of funding should go to citizens, not illegal border crossers."

Paródķa eša alvöru, ekki hęgt aš greina muninn.

Žegar menn móšga 90% til aš žóknast 5%...

"Major brands such as Bud Light and Target, among others, are facing immense backlash from supporting LGBTQ causes, with the market capitalization of the firms crashing by double digits in recent weeks.

Target shares were trading at $130.93 as of 06:07 EDT, June 1, down 13.71 percent year to date and at a fresh 52-week low. It is the stock’s longest losing streak since November 2018. Shares of Anheuser-Busch Inbev SA were trading at €49.97, down 12.18 percent for the year.

In addition to Target and Bud Light, several other companies, including PetSmart, Chick-fil-A, and Walmart, are also now facing boycott calls due to their endorsement of the LGBTQ agenda."

... jį.

Evrópusambandiš ritskošar Twitter

"It is not enough to (symbolically) withdraw from the Code of Practice to defy the EU. Defying the EU would require Twitter to withdraw from the EU altogether."

VPN er hlutur sem er til.


Feršin aš mišju jaršar

"Chinese scientists broke ground Tuesday on a planned 10,000-meter (32,808) foot hole into the Earth's crust - the country's deepest ever borehole according to Bloomberg, citing the Xinhua state-run news agency.

The effort could be used to identify mineral resources as well as help assess environmental risks such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions."

... jęja.

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1 Smįmynd: Loncexter

Er ekki vel viš hęfi aš ölgeršin flytji inn Bud light ?

Loncexter, 4.6.2023 kl. 13:30

2 Smįmynd: Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson

Ég veit ekki hver flytur žaš sull inn.

Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 5.6.2023 kl. 15:31

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