4.6.2023 | 17:42
Á sjómannadaginn er fátt sjómannatengt að finna...
"You may know by now that Orcas have begun attacking boats off the coast of Europe in orchestrated attacks and have successfully sunk a few vessels."
"Embætti ríkislögreglustjóra keypti skotvopn og skotfæri vegna leiðtogafundar Evrópuráðsins fyrir um 185 milljónir króna. Jafnframt keypti lögreglan annan búnað fyrir samtals 151 milljón krónur fyrir fundinn.
Þetta kemur fram í tilkynningu frá ríkislögreglustjóra sem birtist í dag.
Þar kemur fram að endanlegt fjárhagslegt uppgjör á fundinum af hálfu lögreglu muni liggja fyrir í lok júlí. Skotvopnin sem voru keypt voru helst glock-skammbyssur og hálfsjálfvirkar MP5-byssur, þá er ítrekað að ekki sé um að ræða hríðskotabyssur."
Hverja þarf lögreglan svona mikið að skjóta?
"The CEI measures how well a companys policies adhere to a set of criteria concerning "LGBTQ equality" in the workplace. Businesses with the highest possible 100 CEI points are given the title Best Place To Work For LGBTQ Equality. More than 800 American businesses met all the criteria to earn a percent rating and the designation last year, according to the Campaigns latest report.
In response to the loss of a perfect CEI scoreand in spite of the customer backlash, Anheuser-Busch pledged last week to donate $200,000 to support "LGBTQ+ business owners of color."
The fact that a company would rather further upset customers than get a lower social credit rating, Lindsay said, shows "how this extortion racket works and how serious the extortion racket is.""
Kolefnis-költið virkar eins.
Breska ríkið ritskoððai fólk sem vildi ekki láta eitra fyrir öllum
"Officials within the UK government reportedly worked clandestinely with social media companies, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter as well as A.I. firms to monitor critics of the lockdown regime, as well as to identify and ultimately censor speech criticising the draconian government policy."
Í framtíðinni verður eitrað fyrir þér með leynd.
"Authorities are investigating the deaths of six women, all under age 40, that have been found within 100 of each other in forested or rural areas around Portland according to KGW8 News.
The tragic discoveries have led to speculation that a serial killer is on the loose."
Ljóslega einka-aðili. Ríkið væri bíð að myrða 6 milljón.
Sum leiðindi eru í eðli sínu fallegri en önnur.
"According to a report from The Sun on Sunday, radical green activists may be forced to live up to their beliefs about the climate and be prevented from driving should they engage in protests that intentionally block off traffic."
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