2.9.2023 | 18:02
Rússar koma sprengjuvörpunni sinni fyrir.
"The nuclear-capable Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile system was previously touted by President Putin as being capable hitting "any target on Earth" - and is widely believed to be by far the longest-range missile in Russia's arsenal (or in the world for that matter)"
99 luftballoons...
"Shell, Europe's largest oil company, has quietly shelved the world's largest corporate plan to develop carbon offsets, after CEO Wael Sawan laid out an updated strategy for the company that included cutting costs and doubling down on profit centers (oil and gas) - which notably omitted any mention of the company's prior commitment to spend up to $100 million per year to build a 'pipeline' of carbon credits as part of the firm's promise to achieve 'net zero' emissions by 2050, Bloomberg reports."
Þeir sem vilja fleiri ólöglega innflytjendur kvarta mest undan fleiri ólöglegum innflytjendum
"Los Angeles is supposedly a sanctuary city but they dont want anyone to take them up on that policy.
Texas has sent less than 500 illegal border crossers to L.A. and the city council there is so angry that they are considering pursuing legal and even criminal actions against Texas and Governor Greg Abbott."
LA þarf fleiri ólöglega innflytjendur.
Elon Musk fúll út í skóla fyrir að hafa breytt dóttur hans í samkynhneigðan kommúnista
"Elon Musk is on the warpath against an elite Los Angeles school, the Crossroads School for the Arts & Sciences, which he accuses of brainwashing his child, who is now transgender and a self-declared communist."
Ég bý þetta efni ekki til, svona er þetta bara.
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Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.