Leitin aš vitsmunalķfi į jöršinni ber engan įrangur

Fasisti óttast frelsiš

"A juicy tidbit has already emerged, with Harvard Professor of the History of Science Naomi Oreskes and President of swiss universities Luciana Vaccaro whining about how “dangerous”problematic” X is.

Oreskes declared “For a long time, I was on Twitter, And now it’s become such a toxic place that I’ve concluded it’s not a worthwhile place to spend time. And as you said, it is exhausting.”

She continued, “So you do have to pick and choose, and you have to think about where the place is, where you can get your message across. But I am trying to figure out, I mean, I have given up on X. What a scary name that even is, right? And I don’t know what the alternative is right now.”

Vaccaro charged that it is “the policy of the owner that is problematic,” presumably referring to Musk’s dedication to free speech on the platform."

Žessir glóbalistar...

Talandi um glóbalista...

"A veritable peasants’ revolt appears to be budding across the continent as overregulation, inflation and the green agenda are taking their toll on the ability of farmers to earn a living in — and consequently feed the people of — modern Europe. The latest protests to crop up in France came over the low payout from supermarket chains to food producers."

Žetta minnkar ekki.

Glóbalistar eru hręddir viš Trump

"BlackRock vice chairman Philipp Hildebrand issued his caution from the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.

In doing so he added his voice to the swelling chorus from Europe that fears a Trump return to the world stage.

Hildebrand, a member of the firm’s Global Executive Committee, was responding to recent comments by Christine Lagarde, the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), who said Trump posed a “clear threat” to Europe because his divergent views set him apart from the European mainstream, the report sets out.

Lagarde last week warned history showed Trump’s “manner in which he carried out the first four years of his mandate… is clearly a threat.”"

Ó nei.  Frišur og hagsęld.  En skelfilegt.

Glóbalistar eru smįm saman aš įtta sig į hve illa lišnir žeir eru

"People no longer trust their governments to tackle climate change, war, and inequality, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has said.

Public trust in government has fallen across the Western world since the turn of the millennium. A Pew Research survey found that only 16% of Americans currently trust their leaders and institutions, down from 44% in the year 2000. A survey taken by the EU in 2022 found that the average citizen of the bloc gave their government a ‘trust score’ of 3.6 out of 10, down from 4.7 in 2020.

...there is a disconnect between the issues highlighted by Guterres and the issues that the public in the US and EU actually consider important. While the UN chief made climate change and AI the focus of his speech, Americans by and large do not consider these to be pressing concerns. According to a Gallup poll conducted last year, Americans rated the economy, poor leadership, inflation, and immigration as their top concerns, with only 3% of respondents naming climate change as their most important issue, and less than 0.5% identifying AI or foreign conflicts as their top priority."

Žeir eru gjörsamlega fyrrtir.

Sameiginlegt vandamįl okkar allra.

Framtķšin er ķ kjarnorku

"U.S.-based Uranium Energy Corp said on Tuesday it would restart uranium production at its fully permitted site in Wyoming as the resurgence in nuclear power has led to a new bull market in uranium."

Kolefnistrśamenninrnir verša bara aš fį hvellskitu.

Og: geimverur

"What is expected is this: a scientific paper that will provide firm evidence of alien life on an exoplanet (a planet outside our solar system).

The discovery would use biosignatures – gases and chemicals highly likely to have emanated from organic creatures."

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