25.1.2024 | 12:49
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"Texas Governor Greg Abbott just drew a hard line in the sand, putting the Biden administration on notice that he's declared the migrant crisis an "invasion" and invoked Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself.
The situation in Texas has come to a boiling point at Eagle Pass, where the Texas National Guard have taken control of a local park which illegal immigrants use as a landing zone after crossing the Rio Grande. The state has placed razor wire along miles of the river to block entry to the US - which the Supreme Court just allowed the Biden administration to remove while a legal battle plays out in a lower court."
Alrķkiš vill dęla ólöglegum innflytjendum inn ķ landiš, en Texas ekki.
Mašur leysir vind ķ flugvél, ašrir faržegar hljóta skaša af
"According to a Reddit post by user Glamgalatx on the Austin Subreddit, the flight was disrupted by a man who not only passed gas but also vocally drew attention to his actions in a manner that disturbed fellow passengers."
Kommśnistar abbast uppį pķnaóleikara
"In an event that has now become an international debate and diplomatic snafu, a popular YouTube piano player by the name of Brendan Kavanagh was filming a live stream at a public piano at London St Pancras station when Chinese citizens, some of them known to work for CCP groups in the UK, confronted him.
The man who escalates the argument into threats and accuses the piano player of racism for calling the Chinese flag communist is Newton Leng. He works as a consultant for Financial Times and is a member of the IOE Confucius Institute, a well known front organization for the CCP operating in numerous western countries."
Almenningur ķ Bretlandi vill ekki ganga ķ herinn
Aušvitaš ekki... "The UKs Chief of the General Staff, Patrick Sanders, has said that civilians should be trained and equipped for a potential call-up to fight Russia. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, however, insisted that there are no plans to introduce conscription and rebuked the general for his comments."
1: Rśssar eru ekkert aš fara aš gera neina innrįs ķ bretland.
2: Bretar ęttu bara samt aš vopnast, eins og kaninn. Žeir hljóma eins og vangefningar alltaf žegar žeir eru aš nöldra śt af einhverjum hnķfa-įrįsum.
"A DJ has been jailed after urinating on a cancer patient at a social club and posting the video online.
It was while Barton was telling Brookfield that he was going undergoing treatment for prostate cancer that the DJ turned and urinated on his back."
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