Vinsęlt nammi er svo óvinsęlt aš žaš selst ekki

Nammiš sem var svo vinsęlt aš enginn keypti žaš

"Vinsęlt nammi tekiš af ķslenskum markaši

... vörumerkja­stjóri hjį Danól sem flyt­ur inn sęl­gęti frį Hari­bo, seg­ir Piratos hafa veriš tekiš śr sölu vegna dręmr­ar sölu."

Jį.  Einmitt.

Kóvitleysan, eins og hśn var.

Veriš aš safna ķ liš vegna yfirvofandi borgarastyrrjaldar

"A coalition of red states has rallied around Texas, after Governor Greg Abbott invoked the state's constitutional right to self-defense due to the migrant crisis, which he deemed an 'invasion.'

Here is the joint letter with 25 governors supporting the Texas Border Resistance against our rogue federal government.

Republican Governors Association link:

And of course, the optics couldn't be worse for the Biden administration - which is now faced with the prospect of going to war with Texas, during an election year, to keep the border open."

Erum viš alveg viss um aš Biden sé ekki ķslendingur?  Svona heimsku hef ég ekki séš sķšan Kata Jak opnaši munninn seinast.


Franskir bęndur fślir śt ķ glóbalistana

"The French government is scrambling to get a whole lot of tractors off the nation’s major highways. Good luck with that when 89% of French citizens back the protesting farmers, according to a new Odoxa poll.

 Farmers in Poland, Romania, Germany, and the Netherlands have now been joined by their counterparts from the country virtually synonymous with revolution."

Žaš dregur ekkert śr žessu.

Meira bęnda-tengt

"The establishment of the 100% Redress Party, rooted in the mica protest movement, has added further momentum to the sense that new entrants might be able to mop up anti-Government sentiment, outflanking even Sinn Féin..."

Plottiš žykknar

"To protect the Agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay. Any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.

Twelves workers from UNRWA currently face accusations they willingly participated in the deadly Hamas terror attack."

Sameinušu žjóširnar, mašur...

Grikkir öšlast Niggara-forréttindi.

Missouri vill leifa einvķgi

"Missouri Senator Nick Schroer, a member of the Freedom Caucus, has laid another option on the table; something more civilized than bullying.

He has submitted a proposed rule change to the Missouri Senate that would bring back the ancient practice of defending one's honor civilly, in a gentleman's or gentlewoman's (or even gentlethey/them/theirs) duel to the death."

Hljómar skemmtilega.

Žetta er hęgt aš gera ķ Kringlunni lķka, meš nokkurnvegin sömu nišurstöšu.

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