
Žetta er klassķskt umręšuefni

"I was surprised to encounter in the book two stories in which the author uncovered real conspiracies to hide information about Covid from the public. 

Ariely, a professor of psychology at Duke University, played a bit part in promoting Covid lockdowns around the world. By his own description, he worked 

…on projects related to Covid-19 with the Israeli government and a bit with the British, Dutch, and Brazilian governments as well…I was mostly working to try to get the police to use rewards to incentivize good mask-wearing behavior and observance of social distancing instead of using fines… (p. 4) 

The first genuine conspiracy he describes involved the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) manipulating data in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).

The second involved a newspaper editor-in-chief refusing to report about vaccine side effects observed by a hospital. The author reports these situations matter-of-factly, and even gives the conspirators the benefit of the doubt, saying maybe they did the right thing! 

Let’s look at the VAERS conspiracy (recounted on pp. 274-276). Ariely says he got this information directly from a person who works “in the information technology department of the FDA.” The agency, according to the story, determined that: 

…foreign powers, mostly Russian and Iranian, had found a way to spread disinformation using VAERS. So when the FDA identified cases that had clearly come from such sources, it removed them from the system…

Not only did it delete this data, but it did so silently."

Žaš er alltaf meira: 


Evrópusambandiš stefnir į sjįlfseyšingu

"The EU has passed a migration pact dubbed “the suicide of Europe” which could lead to the continent being flooded with as many as 75 million new migrants.

Member states will be forced to accept migrants or pay a massive financial penalty of €25,000 per migrant.

This makes little sense given that we’re constantly reminded of how mass migration is such an economic boon and is both inevitable and vital to maintaining GDP levels."

Allir žurfa aš gera eins.  Og deyja śt.  Vegna žess aš fuck almenningur.

Žaš er bara bęši betra.

Gervigreind getur nśna gert kvikmyndir

"OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, has announced a new tool that turns text prompts into computer-generated videos. The program will be released to the public only after OpenAI builds in a range of censorship features."

Mjög lélegar kvikmyndir.

Bżr Villi volgi ķ Tennessee nśna?  Vissi ekki aš hann hefši flutt.

Egyptum lżst illa į Gaza-menn

"Egypt is building a massive miles-wide buffer zone and wall along its border with southern Gaza, new satellite images show, as fears grow over Israel’s planned ground offensive in Rafah where more than half of Gaza’s population is sheltering.

Egypt has already condemned Israel’s move to push Palestinians southward in the enclave, suggesting it is part of a plan to expel Gazans and that it would spell the end of the Palestinian cause."

Žvķlķkur veggur.

Magdumpaš į hnetu.

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1 Smįmynd: Geir Įgśstsson

Egyptar eru mögulega snjallir hérna og tekst aš gera sig skuldlausa į einu bretti gegn žvķ aš reka flóttamannabśšir sķnum meginn viš mśrinn.

Geir Įgśstsson, 17.2.2024 kl. 17:34

2 Smįmynd: Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson

Hér eru Egyptar aš' segja allskonar hluti viš okkur, og enginn valdhafi er aš hlusta.

Eša žeir hlusta, og eru aš gera sér einhverjar vonir.

Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 17.2.2024 kl. 20:28

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