Heimska útlanda berst auðveldlega til Íslands með vindi

Rússar v, Frakkar bardaginn ætlar að gerast

"The Russian intelligence chief further said the French military "fears that such a large military unit cannot be transferred and stationed in Ukraine unnoticed."

"It will thus become a legitimate priority target for attacks by the Russian armed forces. This means that it will suffer the fate of all the French who have ever come to the Russian world with a sword," Naryshkin emphasized."

... Napoleon, einhver?

Pólskir bændur mótmæla

"The demonstrators have blocked the main roads leading out of the capital of Warsaw with tractors and other agricultural equipment, numerous media outlets have reported.

Protests by farmers have been taking place in Poland and across other EU states for weeks. The demonstrators have been calling for changes to the restrictions placed on them by the bloc’s environmental policies – the so-called Green Deal – and for a halt to imports of agricultural products from outside the bloc, primarily Ukraine."

Glóbalistar og kolefnistrúarmenn vilja enn svelta alla til dauða.



Húmorslöggan er alvöru

"Police in Scotland are being trained to target actors and comedians under new hate crime laws set to be activated next month, reports The Herald, citing leaked police documents.

A slide from the leaked training material titled “stirring up hatred” also lists ‘protected’ characteristics including age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and transgender identity.

So, essentially retweeting a Dave Chappelle or Ricky Gervais skit, like the one below, could land you with a hate criminal charge in Scotland."

Dave er glæpur núna.

Allstaðar þvælist málfrelsið fyrir yfirvöldum

"Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson is concerned that the First Amendment is “hamstringing the Government” when it comes to censoring speech on social media…

What would you have the government do? I've heard you say a couple of times that the government can post its own speech, but in my hypothetical, "Kids, this is not safe, don't do it," is not gonna get it done."

Ah, já.  Vonlaus dystópía í þágu barnanna.

Planet Fitness í kröggum eftir af hafa úrkynjast

"The gym’s stock dropped after it was pointed out on Friday that “Planet Fitness requires women to share bathrooms with men and to refer to men as whatever name and pronouns they want” and that the fitness company is also compelling its employees to speak in the way transgender customers demand."

Úrkynjun og gjaldþrot haldast í hendur.


Kaninn almennt í vondum málum.

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1 Smámynd: Loncexter

Ég held að vitleysan sem hrjáir íslendinga hafi borist hingað með erlendum feministum.

Loncexter, 20.3.2024 kl. 18:37

2 Smámynd: Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

Það er vissulega stór hluti af heildar-vitleysunni.

Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 20.3.2024 kl. 20:27

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