21.3.2024 | 16:44
Cloward-Piven ašferšin
"On Wednesday, J.K. Rowling fired off the salvo against Wizarding News which is nominally a Harry Potter fan site that has recently devoted itself to promoting transgenderism and reporting on what it calls the demise of J.K. Rowlings legacy.
The bust-up is the latest attempt by transgender activists to hurt J.K. Rowlings reputation for her sin of believing that biological sex is a reality and that transgender women arent real women. She has also been a vocal opponent of sex-change procedures for children."
Žaš veršur seint sagt aš barnageldarar séu heilir į geši.
"A "major alarm" has been triggered in the city of Dresden with 26 children being hospitalised following a suspected gas attack on the 107th high school on Hepkestrasse.
It has since emerged that an "irritating gas-like substance" was sprayed at the school, which many of the children had inhaled."
Fólk mótmęlir Islamiseringu Lundśna
"The company that operates trains at Kings Cross station in London has removed Islamic messages on information boards about sinners who must repent after a massive backlash.
The development comes as central London has been adorned with extensive Ramadan decorations, with no such decorations being planned for Lent or any other Christian feasts, despite Britain being a majority Christian country."
Yfirvöld vilja fremja žjóšarmorš į innfęddum bretum. Žetta er bara undirbśningurinn.
Kalķfornķu vandamįl krefjast įhugaveršra lausna
"Flash Shelton found his calling in life after his father passed away in 2019 and squatters took over his parents' house in northern California.
They broke in the back door, added a bunch of cheap furniture, and started living there rent-free.
After he got his mom's house back, Shelton decided this could work for a lot of people having an issue with squatters, so he started a business called Squatter Hunters, who will professionally squat in a house overrun with squatters until the owners can secure it."
Bara ķ Kalķfornķu... enn sem komiš er.
Wikipedia greinin um ašferšafręši Ķslenska rķkisins ritskošuš
"In 1966, American sociologists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven outlined a strategy for toppling the United States, and it's gone viral this last week."
Plan Ķslenska rķkisins. Viš žekkjum žetta.
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