25.4.2024 | 10:53
Heimskan er allstašar
Mótmęlendurnir vita ekki hverju žeir mótmęla
"A REAL interview we had at NYU:
QUESTION: "Why are you protesting?"
PROTESTER #1: "I don't know. I'm pretty sure there's something about Israel [turns to other person] Why are we protesting?"
PROTESTER #2: "I wish I was more educated."
PROTESTER #1: "I'm not either.""
Aušvitaš nįšist žetta į vķdjó.
Įstęša žess aš mikilvęgir hlutir eiga ekki aš vera nettengdir
"A hack that caused a small Texas town's water system to overflow in January has been linked to a shadowy Russian hacktivist group, the latest case of a U.S. public utility becoming a target of foreign cyberattacks."
Allt sem er nettengt er śtsett fyrir svona.
Skólarnir eru heilažvottastöšvar
"What were seeing across Americas elite academic institutions is something the Western world has not seen since 1930s Germany: an open, naked, toxic, violent, seething, and uncompromising hatred of the Jews.
Many fear that its like the 1930s when age-old ignorance and hatred resurfaced, a precursor to the murder of six million Jews, writes Martin Fletcher in the Times of Israel. It isnt. Its worse."
Kristnir eru ekkert ķ uppįhaldi hjį žeim heldur. Eša hvķtir karlmenn.
Svo margir hafa aldrei lesiš sögu.
... jį.
Fyrir žį sem hafa įhuga į žessu.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.