Þetta er bara allt vitað

Og hefur verið rannsakað empírískt, á rottum og fólki við tilraunaaðstæður.

En förum aðeins yfir minnismiðana mína:

"Although previous studies have demonstrated many of the ill effects of total sleep deprivation, the impact of chronic partial sleep deprivation (restriction) had not been extensively investigated even though it is a much more common phenomenon. However, recent studies indicate that 4 to 6 hours of sleep per night yields a progressive, cumulative deterioration in neurobehavioral function including vigilance, neurocognitive performance, and mood. This reduction in performance is also associated with changes in cerebral activation during cognitive tasks. Physiologic changes (insulin resistance and increased sympathetic activation) appear to occur as well. Both the neurocognitive and physiologic effects of chronic sleep loss suggest there is optimal sleep duration and that there is a cost for failing to achieve it. However, the exact duration of sleep required at different periods of life remains poorly understood, as do the mechanisms driving these neural and metabolic processes.

Yoo SS, Hu PT, Gujar N, Jolesz FA, Walker MP."

Samkvæmt rannsókn Keren Shakhar, Heiðdisar B. Valdimarsdóttur, Josephine S. Guevarraa & Dana H. Bovbjerga  getur svefnleyis líka fokkað upp NKC (átfrumur) í blóðinu, minnkað virkni þeirra.  Sem er slæmt.

Áhrifin eru þó mjög persónubundin.

Önnur rannsókn, "Effects of sleep and sleep deprivation on immunoglobulins and complement in humans ", framkvæmd af Liu Hui, Fang Huaa, Hou Diandonga & Yuan Honga í Kína, virðist sýna að skammtíma svefnleysi hefur strax áhrif á efnabúskap ónæmiskerfisins.

Svo ég vitni bara beint í þá:

"All immunoglobulin and complement parameters measured were increased but remained in the normal range, except for IgG that exceeded it slightly. Therefore, pathological changes were not considered and a nonspecific increase was suggested. The mechanism may be through production and release of cytokines such as IL-2 and IL-6 in SD (Dinges et al., 1995, Irwin et al., 1999 and Laura et al., 2000). This implies that sleep–wake activity plays an important role in humoral-mediated immunity, although the causes of SD’s effects remain unknown. We hypothesize that waking may be necessary to keep the immune system functioning, while conversely, long-term sleep could be thought of as a pathological processes for the immune system. Further investigations need to be conducted on the mechanisms underlying these changes to test this hypothesis.

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1 Smámynd: Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson

Flott komment, takk fyrir þetta! Það er bara óskandi að mbl.is myndi ráða þig í vinnu sem vísindafréttamann í staðinn fyrir þetta ólæsa lið sem er þar núna!

Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson, 12.5.2008 kl. 14:40

2 Smámynd: Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

Ég þekki svefn.  Ég hef lesið allt þetta stöff sem ég vitnaði í.

Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 12.5.2008 kl. 14:51

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