Vitleysa dagsins

Finnar rannsaka

"A common cry from trans activists on the need to gender transition minors is that sex changes are lifesaving. They don't mean that without the sex change drugs and surgeries kids will die as a result of gender dysphoria, they mean that if they are not permitted to undergo sex changes, they will kill themselves. This has been proven false by a new study out of Finland. It shows that cross-sex hormones and sex change surgeries do not have an impact on suicide deaths.

This groundbreaking study, summarized by Benjamin Ryan in the New York Post, concluded that on the contrary, higher suicide rates were tied to higher rates of severe psychiatric problems and not gender confusion."

Skošiš hlekkina og lęriš eitthvaš.

Hįhżsi selst į $1

"Canada Pension Plan Investment Board has recently done three deals at deeply discounted prices, selling its interests in a pair of Vancouver towers, and a business park in Southern California, but it was its Manhattan office tower redevelopment project that shocked the industry: the Canadian asset manager sold its stake for just $1. The worry now is that such firesales will set an example for other major investors seeking a way out of the turmoil too, forcing a wholesale crash in the Manhattan real estate market which until now had managed to avoid real price discovery."

Forseti Argentķnu bannar śrkynjaš mįlfar

"Argentina's President Javier Milei has banned gender-inclusive language in all official documents and public administration, the presidential spokesperson said Tuesday, as the far-right libertarian continues to implement his socially conservative agenda.

The ban, effective immediately, will prohibit "inclusive language and everything related to the gender perspective throughout the national public administration," Manuel Adornis, spokesperson for the Casa Rosada, said in his daily press conference."

Į mešan rķšur śrkynnjunin rękjum ķ ķslenskum fjölmišlum.

Af RŚV: Įriš 1986 kom ógęfuvera aš Olof Palme, og hóf į žvķ lķfslokamešferš, sem endaši į dauša žess.

śrkynjuš jaršsprengjuleit.

Žeir ķ Ghana hafa veriš aš fylgjast meš vesturlöndum, og lķkaši ekki žaš sem žeir sįu

"Lawmakers in Ghana have unanimously approved a bill criminalizing homosexual activity, despite warnings from Western governments including the US and France."

Sporin hręša...

Enginn vill žetta ķ Ghana.


"The Boston elite expressed severe grievances about the decision at a community meeting on Tuesday evening, yet state officials had no answers for them. Residents of Fort Point in the Seaport couldn't stomach the idea of illegal immigrants living among them in the sanctuary city."

Ef žś vilt žaš ekki, ekki bišja um žaš.

Pśtķn gęti veriš aš skynja yfirvöld vestur-evrópu į dżpra leveli

"“We remember the fate of those who sent their troop contingents to the territory of our country,” the Russian leader said. “Now the consequences for the potential invaders will be far more tragic.”

“Don’t they understand it?” he continued, alleging that Western leaders are playing with options of deeper involvement in the conflict, as in a simulation. “Those people haven’t been through any tough challenges and they have forgotten what war means.”

The 71-year-old emphasized Russia’s nuclear forces are in “full readiness,” boasting the military has deployed potent new weapons, some of them tested on the battlefield in Ukraine."


Haltu žig hęgra megin

Meira aš segja Hitler Jugend sjįlfur tók vištal viš einhvern jśróvisjón guttann.

Mašur getur hvergi sloppiš!

Jęja... skįrra en blak-umręšan.

Vinsęldir Sjįlfstęšisflokksins dala hratt

"Lög­regl­an hef­ur fylgt Sjįlf­stęšis­flokkn­um ķ hring­ferš flokks­ins um landiš til aš tryggja ör­yggi rįšherra og žing­manna. Hef­ur žetta ekki veriš gert į sķšustu įrum žegar flokk­ur­inn hef­ur fariš ķ hring­ferš."

Jį, menn hafa vķst veriš aš ręša um kartöflur og strį glimmeri undanfariš.  Ekki fę ég séš aš vinsęldir flokksins aukist nś žegar žeir žurfa lögreglufylgt.  Bad Optics, žś skilur.

Google ķ vandręšum vegna kynžįttahaturs

"This week, the boycott of Google products is accelerating as Americans were stunned to discover last week that the left-leaning big tech company's premier artificial intelligence bot, Gemini, previously known as Bard, was deeply infected with the woke mind virus by its purple-hair creators."

Og almennt mannhatur.

Ķ Kanada.

Kommśnistar vilja hafa sķna barnamoršingja hjį sér

"The Gateway Pundit reported on Monday the Prince George’s County homicide unit arrested 25-year-old Nelson Granados-Trejo in connection with the murder of a toddler in Prince George’s County, Maryland.

... U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson has confirmed Nelson Granados-Trejo is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador.

Illegal alien from El Salvadoran accused of killing 2-year-old Maryland boy was released from jail TWICE following repeated theft charges and order to leave the country."

Viš erum aldrei nema 5 įrum į eftir kananum.

Žaš sem žarf aš gerast til aš Rśssar nśki Evrópu

"A total of 29 secret Russian military files penned between 2008 and 2014 are detailed, including details on how war-gaming could play out and presentations for naval officers, which speak of operating principles for nuclear weapons use. 

A possible nuclear response could be triggered by an enemy entering Russian territory to more specific examples, such as the obliteration of 20 per cent of Moscow's strategic ballistic missile submarines, according to the classified documents, seen by the Financial Times and reviewed by experts."

Macron ętlaši aš gera innrįs ķ Rśssland.  Er hann aš vonast eftir einhverju?


Rśssar monta sig af hernašargetu sinni

"The Russian military has destroyed several rare examples of Ukraine’s Western-supplied military hardware, including a Norwegian-made NASAMS anti-aircraft system and a Swedish-made Archer self-propelled howitzer, according to new footage released online."

Allir vilja ólmir fara ķ strķš viš Rśssa nema ég.

Allir vilja skera kynfęrin af börnum nema ég.


Hvaš ef megacorp af inhverju tagi, eins og td Blackrock eša Vanguard, myndi skyndielag įkveša aš žaš gęti veriš fyndiš og skemmtilegt aš eignast Ķskland, og reka a eins og fyrirtęki?  Ķ gróšaskyni, meina ég.

Vęri ekki eins erfitt og fólk heldur.

Ķslenska rķkiš viršist nefnilega rekiš meš kenningar Saul Alinsky aš leišarljósi: öllu skal sökkt ķ skuldum og fólkinu kaffęrt ķ fįtękt.

Hér kemur megacorp innķ.  Megacorp getur nefnilega aušveldlega kaypt skuldir Ķslands, og fariš aš rukka af žvķ vexti.  Og žetta lįn mun aldrei lękka, ķ samręmi viš leišbeiningar Alinskys, heldur stękka hratt og örugglega, žar til Ķsland hefur ekki efni į afborgunum.

Nś getur Megacorp fariš fram į aš Ķslenska rķkiš afsali sér eigum upp ķ žessar afborganir, sem žaš neyšist tikl aš gera, vegna žess aš žaš hefur ekki efni į aš borga lögfręšingum, žvi megacorp fęr alla peningana jafnóšum.

Į skömmum tķma eignast žannig Megacorp landiš, og getur hent śt lżšręšislega kjörnum fulltrśum žess og sett ķ stašinn svona CEO.

Nś skal reka landiš meš gróšasjónarmiš aš leišarljósi, sem er žveröfugt viš stefnu Ķslenska rķkisins.

Fyrst žarf aš losna viš allt aš 99% rķkisstarfsmanna.  Öll bķrókratķan er óžörf, og beinlķnis skašleg.  Žaš mį halda sveitarstjórum, en rįšuneytin žurfa aš fara.  Ķ staš žeirra er hęgt aš rįša 3-4 menn til ežss aš sjį um allt saman.  Žetta sparar lįgmark 15 milljarša per rįšuneyti.

Žeir sem žar unnu geta fariš į bętur, sem er miklu ódżrara en aš hafa žį ķ vinnu hjį rķkinu, eša žeir geta fundiš sér eitthvaš uppbyggilegt aš gera, til tilbreytingar, eša žaš mį bśa til śr žeim kattamat.

Svo žarf aš virkja miklu meira, og laša aš sér fyrirtęki og fólk, eitthvaš annaš en naušgara frį Afrķku sunnan Sahara eša Hamas hryšjuverkamenn.  Svo žarf aš betrumbęta alla vegi, til žess aš aušvelda uppbyggingu allstašar, og jafnvel koma į flugsamgöngum og  strandsiglingum aftur.  Allt fyrir išnašinn.

Allar kjaradeilur leysast af sjįlfu sér žegar meira veršur um vinnu, og jafnvel mannaflsskortur.  Aš auki mun ekki žurfa aš skattpķna landsmenn eins mikiš, bęši vegna žess aš Megacorp er ekki rekiš eftir einhverjum Lenķnķskum reglum, og žaš er miklu einfaldara aš hafa einfalt og ódżrt skattkerfi.  Ein sog stašan er fer lįgmark 20% af skattfénu ķ aš innheimta skattinn og sżsla meš hann innan kerfisins.  g žaš er įšur en peningar eru sendir til Hamas & ISIS og annarra śtlendra moršingjahópa.

Megacorp mun ekki hafa mikinn įhuga į aš fjįrmagna śtlenda moršingjahópa.

Megacorp mun stórgręša į žessu, frį fyrsta įri.


"Hard Sci-fi"

Alls ekki "hard sci-fi"


Žetta er til.

Lesiš af vél, heyrist mér.


Rśssarnir gera innrįs


Žaš fyrsta sem žeir gera er aš koma sér aš į Tik Tok, Insta og jafnvel Facebśkk, og setja žar inn ummęli um kartöflu.

Žeir munu segja "Kartafla," og "Flögur, skrśfur, strį og skķfur."

Žetta mun fį mjög į landsmenn, og margir munu žurfa aš setja upp blįa lęknagrķmu til aš bęla burt efanum um sįl sķna.

Nś žegar eru agentar KGB ķ lęri hjį žartilgeršum kartöflu munkum ķ Žykkvabę aš lęra mest stušandi kartöflu ummęlin.

Žaš nęsta sem gerist, er aš KGB mun fótósjoppa mynd af helstu rįšamönnum žjóšarinnar viš hlišina į kżrauga, og žeir munu bśa til stutt vķdjó, svona 5-10 sekśndur, žar sem einn af žeim bendir į žessa mynd og segir: "jamm. Jęja. Aha."

Žetta mun ljóslega valda miklu fjašrafoki, og fólk mun grįna viš žetta og fį blóšhlaupin augu, og allir sem móttękilegir eru verša hér bśnir aš setja upp blįa lęknagrķmu.  Mér reiknast til aš žaš séu um 85% žjóšarinnar.

Įšur en sjokkiš af žessu er runniš af fólki, žį bśa žeir til skilti sem žeir setja allstašar žar sem fólk getur séš til, žar sem žvķ er haldiš fram aš hinir og žessir rįšamenn og fręgt fólk séu bara alls ekki nįrišlar.  Til žess aš hrista frekar upp, verša ašrir sakašir um žį fyrru aš vilja ekki einu sinni skera kynfęrin af börnum, hvaš žį naušga žeim.

Žetta mį bęta ķ meš allskyns nekrófóbķskum ummęlum, eins og "nįrišill" eša aš halda žvķ beinlķnis fram aš žaš sé woke aš vera nįrišill.

Žegar fólk sér žetta mun žaš byrja aš missa vitiš, og žaš mun rįfa um stefnulaust, meš blįu lęknagrķmuna, umlandi: "Moršingi... moršingi... hann sagši N-oršiš... n-oršiš... hann talaši um kartöflu...  moršingi..."

Og žį kemur nįšarhöggiš:

Mašur stķgur į land, haldandi į RYKSUGU!

Žegar fólk sér žetta žį mun žaš fį žvķlķka hvellskitu aš sśkkulašigosbrunnurinn gżs upp um hįlsmįl žeirra.  Fólk mun verša óhuggandi, óalandi og óferjandi.  Fólk mun skera kynfęrin af börum sķnum og leggja žau sér til munns, žaš mun hella Nocco ķ augun į sér, žaš mun fela sig undir rśmi.

Fólk sem er hrętt viš ryksugu ętlar aš fara aš troša illsakir viš Rśssa.



Į mešan, ķ Brazilķu

"While Brazilian socialist President Lula da Silva is under significant pressure after calling Israelis genocidal Nazis, he is still the MSM’s darling, while the hugely popular former President Jair Bolsonaro is given a sub-standard treatment.

It is indeed significant that the half-baked Reuters report does not feature a single picture of the MASSIVE rally, but rather is illustrated by a picture of Bolsonaro leaving Federal Police headquarters after they took his passport.

“Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro gathered on Sunday on Sao Paulo’s iconic Paulista Avenue to show support for the former far-right Brazilian president as he finds himself embroiled in several investigations that many believe could land him in jail.”

Look how they quickly skip from the rally to his legal troubles."


Ķ Póllandi

"Polish farmers blocked a major highway into Germany on Sunday, in protest against EU environmental proposals and uncontrolled imports of cheap produce from countries such as Ukraine."

Žetta er ekki bśiš.


Ķ Brussel

"Brussels police fired a water cannon after furious farmers started a bonfire outside the European Parliament while protesting.

Piles of old tyres were set ablaze on Monday in a protest to demand action on issues including cheap supermarket prices, free trade deals and strenuous EU environmental rules."

Kolefnistrśarmennirnir vilja eyša öllu lķfi į jöršinni.  Fyrir vešriš, segja žeir.


Kaninn tekur ekki mark į vitleysu lengur

"First point, timed right at Presidents Day last week, the Presidential Greatness Project, a survey of historians and scholars, published its latest ranking of U.S. presidents. And, as to be expected, it's a forehead-slapper of reality disconnect.

Coming in this year at No. 14 among all-time presidents is the bumbling, muttering tool of psychopath leftists and corruptocrats everywhere, Joe Biden. This ranking hilariously puts him in the top one-third of all American presidents. The list places Donald Trump dead last, the very worst president in all of American history.

Rasmussen found that Americans — those struggling through the Biden presidency in real time — say that Biden has been a dismal failure in his first term. All of the institutional “expert” help and hardened media defense perimeters in the world could not hide Biden’s growing senility and staff incompetence.

Granted, these are only two data points. But combining them suggests that Americans are turning away from the propaganda poison of the anti-American “expert” class and relying more on their own good senses. This is a good and necessary step forward."

Ef žiš hęttiš aš hlusta į RŚV getiš žiš lķka virkaš gįfulega.

Evrópsk yfirvöld eru of stupid til aš geta haft sķna eigin FB, X eša Insta.

Leftistar tapa sér, ofl

Žaš tķškast alltaf allstašar aš flżja kommśnisma

"Is the blue state exodus from California, New York, and Illinois making red states like Florida, Texas, and South Carolina more liberal? Studies suggest the answer is no.

Blue state exodus is largely Red or Independent because Republicans and Independents make up the majority of people with enough money to afford a house and choose to do so in a non-blue state for tax purposes.

As a result of blue state exodus, the blue states will get bluer and bluer until the whole thing blows up in the faces of blue state politicians."

Taylor Lorenz vs Libs of Tik Tok

"Taylor Lorenz of the Washington Post interviewed Chaya Raichik, the woman behind the famed Libs of TikTok account who was doxxed by Lorenz herself, and the interview went, well, it went about as well as you could expect."

Mešfylgjandi vķdjó eru hrein kómedķa.

Hver žarf grķn žętti žegar viš höfum kommśnista?

Franskir bęndur reišir viš Macron

"At the 60th Agricultural Show held in the Porte de Versailles exhibition centre in Paris on Saturday, agricultural unions and organisations clashed with security and breached the gates in order to air the grievances of farmers to Emmanuel Macron directly. After initially showing hesitancy, the French president acquiesced and held an impromptu debate with several farmers.

“You gave Ukraine colossal sums, but you gave us crumbs,” one farmer said to Macron according to broadcaster BFMTV."

Macron vill svelta Frakka, en dęla peningum ķ Śkranķu.


"Benedict said "we went to the bathroom," she was talking to her friends and the other group of girls were talking to each other. "And we were laughing, and they had said something like 'why do they laugh like that?' And they were talking about us in front of us. And so I went up there and I poured water on them and then all three of them came at me."

The water she poured came from her own water bottle. "So you squirted them with water, threw water on them, whatever it was," the officer clarified. "Then at that point what happened?"

"They came at me, they grabbed me, they grabbed onto my hair, I grabbed on to them. I threw one of them into a paper towel dispenser, and then they got my legs out from under me and got me on the ground and started beating the sh*t out of me. And then my friends tried to jump in and help. I'm not sure, I blacked out.""

Gervigreind er ekki treystandi fyrir neinu

"Scientists - who say scenarios with "hard-to-predict escalations" often ended with nuclear attacks - have now warned against using machine learning robots such as large language models (LLMs) in sensitive areas like decision-making and defence.

According to the study, autonomous agents - software programmes which respond to states and events - were fulled by the same LLM and tasked with making foreign policy decisions without human oversight.

Experts observed that even in neutral scenarios, there was "a statistically significant initial escalation for all models"."

Höldum uppį kalda strķšiš meš žvķ aš horfa į žessa klassķsku ķtölsku kvikmynd.

Meš ryksuguna aš vopni


Kalda strķšs flassback

"„Góšu frétt­irn­ar fyr­ir Ķsland eru aš ég held ekki aš landiš ykk­ar yrši for­gangs­skot­mark fyr­ir Rśssa žegar kęmi aš stig­mögn­un įtak­anna,“ seg­ir Fabi­an Hoff­mann, sér­fręšing­ur ķ varn­ar­mįl­um og eld­flauga­hernaši

„Slęmu frétt­irn­ar eru žęr aš žaš eru engu aš sķšur mikl­ar lķk­ur į žvķ aš Ķsland yrši fyr­ir įrįs­um, žvķ aš landiš yrši aš mik­il­vęgri mišstöš fyr­ir Banda­rķkja­menn og lišsflutn­inga žeirra til Evr­ópu, og žaš eru eng­ar lķk­ur į žvķ aš Rśss­ar myndu lķta fram­hjį žvķ,“ seg­ir Hoff­mann"

1: Rśssar gera ekki innrįs.  Žeir hafa ekki mannafla til žess, eša sérstakan vilja. (Sjį vištal Tucker Carlson viš Pśtķn) 

2: Žeir gętu hent einni atómbombu, žaš liti svona śt:


Mišaš viš 2.2. megatonna bombu śr kalda strķšinu.  Höggbylgjan mun brjóta allar rśšur ķ Hafnarfirši. Hérna, žiš getiš leikiš ykkur aš žessu.

3: Žaš er ekkert mį aš henda ķ eitt sęopp.  Helsta vopn ķ žvi er ótrśleg heimska ķslendinga:

Ekki ķ fyrsta sinn sem lögregla er kölluš til vegna ryksugu.

"Lögreglan į höfušborgarsvęšinu fékk ķ gęrkvöldi tilkynningu um einstakling vopnašan skotvopni ķ mišbę Reykjavķkur. Mašurinn reyndist ekki vera meš skotvopn heldur ryksugu og er sagšur hafa veriš aš gera helgaržrifin į bķlnum sķnum."

Annaš gott vopn ķ žeirri barįttu er illska okkar eigin yfirvalda:

A: Žingmenn fara ķ skemmtireisur til aš sżna ķ verki stušning viš strķš sem kemur okkur ekki viš

B: Rķkiš sóar 2 MILLJÖRŠUM ķ kokteilpartż vegna hluta sem viš gręšum ekkert į

C: Rķkiš sóar almannafé ķ einhverja śtlendinga sem enginn veit hverjir eru eša hvaš vilja, og segja žar meš landsmönnum aš žeir séu ekki einu sinni žrišja flokks.  Bara borga.  Fokk ķsland, fokk ķslendingar, segja žeir.

Og svo framvegis.

Ég sé fyrir mér snišugts sęopp sem Rśssar gętu gert, sér til skemmtunar og yndisauka.  Ķ boši ķslenska rķkisins og heimsku žegnanna, aš sjįlsögšu.

Žeir eru nś žegar bśnir aš nį ķ lista yfir alla skotvopnaeigendur į Ķslandi.  Žaš er rafręnt, svo žvķ er aušvelt aš stela ķ einum rykk į svona korteri.  Gaurinn sem sér um kerfiš žarf ekki nema bregša sér frį til aš mķga, og žaš er komiš.  Žaš eru ašrar leišir, jafn einfaldar, en flękjum mįliš ekki of mikiš.

Nęst fį allir į žeim lista vodka og kavķar.  Merkt sem gjöf frį Pśtķn & Medvedev.  Ekkert fališ, ekkert dularfullt, allt rekjanlegt og mun reynast satt.

Augljósar mśtur, aš sjįlfsögšu.

Žetta fréttist nįttśrulega um leiš, og allt fólkiš sem tilkynnir um menn meš ryksugu fęr banvęna hvellskitu meš žaš sama.  Žaš veršur mikil fjölgun į tilkynningum um banvęnar, langdręgar ryksugur allt įriš į eftir.  Sérsveitin mun ekki gera neitt annaš en aš fara hśs śr hśsi til aš skoša ryksugur.

Ofanį žaš bętist öfundin, og allir vita aš öfund, ótti og heimska er mjög gott kombó.  Af hverju fį ŽESSI gaurar vodka og kavķar en ekki viš hin?  Hugsar fólk.  Ķ framhaldi af žessu fara aš koma kęrur um hina og žessa nafngreinda menn į rölti meš ryksugur ķ hernašarlegum tilgangi.

En lögreglan getur nįtturlega ekki sinnt nema litlum hluta žeirra mįla, vegna allra hinna ryksugu-tengu mįlanna.

Į mešan geta raunverulegir glępamenn vašiš uppi.

Žaš veršur ślfśš, žaš veršur gremja.  Fjöldi fólks mun ekki žora śr hśsi vegna ótta viš ryksugur.  Andśš į rķkinu eykst śt ķ hiš ómögulega.

Ofanį žetta fį allir žingmenn skitu af ótta, og žeir munu ekki skynja sķn mistök, né mistök fyrirrennara sinna, og žeir munu auka į vandamįliš meš einhverjum flóknum lögum.

Žaš mun ekki verša hęgt aš fį ryksugu eftir žetta.

Og žegar allir žingmenn eru öršir frįvita af ótta viš Rśssa og ryksugur, žį geta Rśssar sett menn ķ aš hringja ķ rįšuneytin og fį žau til aš senda pening hingaš og žangaš.  Og Žingmenn og rįšuneytisstjórar munu borga, slķk er ryksugu-ógnin.  Rķkiš mun selja allt Ķsland til aš borga žaš sem um er bešiš.

Og žannig veršur žjóšar-gjaldžrot.  2008 veršur barnaleikur ķ samanburšinum.

Rśssar gręša milljarša meš sįralitlu erfiši.  Žeir geta notaš mannskap sem er ķ frķi ķ žetta, og žaš veršur litiš į žessa ašgerš sem frķ af žeim sem taka žįtt ķ henni.

Viš töpum öllu.  Öllum peningunum, öllum eignunum, öllum ryksugunum.

Sama hvernig į žaš er litiš, kemur žessi bardagi for-tapašur.  Ķslenska rķkiš hefur gjörsigraš sjįlft sig.  Žaš er mjög aušvelt aš sigra andstęšing meš svona sterka sjįlfseyšpingarhvöt.

Meiri hernašur gegn fólkinu

"SAG-AFTRA strongly condemns CBS News’ decision to seize Catherine Herridge’s reporter notes and research from her office, including confidential source information. This action is deeply concerning to the union because it sets a dangerous precedent for all media professionals and threatens the very foundation of the First Amendment.

Many of us were shocked after Herridge was included in layoffs this month, but those concerns have increased after CBS officials took the unusual step of seizing her files, computers and records, including information on privileged sources"


ADL vill ekki skrį vinstri-öfga terrorista sem slķkan

"The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has claimed that the Nashville killer who shot up a Christian school was not a left-wing extremist because the transgender shooter used the term "f*ggots" in the manifesto."

Žaš vita svosem allir aš žaš er ekkert aš marka ADL.  Žau samtök hafa bara žann tilgang aš stušla aš gyšingahatri. (Hljómar eins og žaš sé rķkisstofnun, ekki satt?)

Mašur rekinn fyrir aš tjį skošanir

"Lee Anderson has been suspended by the Conservative party after he refused to apologise for 'Islamophobic, racist' comments where he claimed that London Mayor Sadiq Khan was controlled by 'Islamists'."

Anderson er ljóslega mašurinn, og allir ašrir eru bara aular.

Žiš vitiš alveg hvaš veldur

"Rates of pancreatic cancer have soared by up to 200 per cent in women under the age of 25 since the 1990s.

Overall, incidences of the disease — which has a five-year survival rate of just 5 per cent — have increased by around 17 per cent over the same time-span, with soaring obesity rates suspected to be behind the trend."

Į mešan, ķ Kķna.

Afmennskandi oršfar fjölmišla, ofl...

"Eitthvaš fyrir alla, konur og kalla," var sönglaš.  Ašallega af krökkum.

Nś er 101 lišiš allt fariš aš trśa į hina kynferšislega vökvakenndu flęšilķnu Aló, sem mér lżst persónulega illa į, og myndi sennilega skjóta ef ég mętti honum ķ dimmu skuggasundi.

Mikla nöp hafa žeir lķka į kvenfólki og dvergum.  Kann ekki aš segja af hverju.

En kvęšiš er vķst svona nśna: "Eithvaš fyrir öll, konur meš böll."


Hin kynferšislega vökvakennda flęšilķna Aló.

Žaš er eitthvaš fariš aš flęša munnvatniš hjį sumum

"New archaeological evidence shows that ancient humans ate each other surprisingly often - sometimes for compassionate reasons. The finds give us an opportunity to reassess our views on the practice.

Ethically, cannibalism poses fewer issues than you might imagine. If a body can be bequeathed with consent to medical science, why can’t it be left to feed the hungry?"

Betra en pöddur.


Mile ķ Argentķnu getur žaš sem Ķslenskum pólitķkusum hefur alla tķš reynst ómögulegt

"Not long after socialist activists flooded into Buenos Aires to protest President Javier Milei's sweeping budget cuts and reforms, it has been announced that Argentina is enjoying its first monthly budget surplus since August 2012.  The budget fix (and $589 million positive balance) took Milei only one month in office to achieve and leaves the political left with some embarrassing questions to answer."

Žetta getur Milei.

Į mešan fjįrmagna okkar pólitķkusar strķš og hryšjuverk ķ śtlöndum, gefa barnageldurum pening til aš aflima börn, sżna téšum börnum fyrist barnaklįm, žvęlast fyrir uppbyggingu meš kolefnistrśar-sköttum, bśa til bišlista allstašar, eitra fyrir almenningi og taka lįn til aš geta haldiš partż fyrir śtlendinga.

Svo margt fólk hugsar svona.

Rottur borša vestręn vopn

"Eco-friendly weapons provided to the Ukrainian military by the country’s foreign backers are “sometimes unsuitable for the realities of the front” and “don’t come out well” in an actual conflict, the reported in an article on Thursday.

As proof of its claim, Le Figaro provided an account by an unnamed French fighter, who complained that “rodents ate the cables on some of the vehicles” used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“Some of the protective sheaths of electrical wires [in the Western-supplied hardware] are made of corn fiber,” which attracts mice and rats, he said."

Ekki aš furša, ef skrišdrekarnir eru bśnir til śr mat.

Vafasamt oršfęri aftur...

"unexploded WWII bomb found"

Aš segja aš sprengja sé ósprungin, er eins og aš segja aš matur ķ ķsskįpnum sé óboršašur.

Žaš er óžarfi aš segja aš žetta sé ósprungin sprengja, alveg į sama hįtt og žaš er óžarfi aš tala um óboršašan mat.

Ég, fyrir mitt leiti myndi ekki kęra mig um aš geyma boršašan mat ķ ķsskįpnum.

En žaš er bara ég...

Gervigreind er menguš af śrkynjušu 101 liši.

Óvinur žjóšarinnar nśmer 1

Ekkert dularfullt aš gerast hér

"Tęp­lega 50% fęrri raf­bķl­ar hafa selst į Ķslandi frį įra­mót­um en į sama tķma­bili ķ fyrra. Mišaš er viš fólks­bķla og sölu til og meš 16. fe­brś­ar. Žį hef­ur sala bens­ķn- og dķsel­bķla dreg­ist sam­an um 45% į sama tķma­bili."

Rķkiš er bśiš aš bśa til kreppu meš skattheimtu.

Allt til aš dęla pening ķ śtlönd.

Diversity, Inclusion & Equity.  Eitur fyrir samfélög.

Kolla landžjófur ętlar aš valda meira tjóni

"Spurši hśn Žór­dķsi nįn­ar śt ķ fjįr­mögn­un ašgeršanna, stefnt vęri aš žvķ aš žaš vęri gert meš lįn­töku, og af hverju ekki hefši veriš horft til sér­tękr­ar skatt­heimtu eins og hękk­un­ar fjįr­magn­s­tekju­skatts, banka­skatts eša hval­reka­skatts."

Krabbameiniš stękkar bara.  Dauši sjśklingsins er yfirvofandi.

Mótmęli verša mestmegnis frišsöm

"Demostrators, who were waving Spanish and Cadiz flags, were recorded lobbing a number of items in the direction of the officers.

Local reports suggest tomatoes and cucumbers were among the objects hurled at officers."

Hvaša hvaša, engar haugsugur?

Hernašur ķ Texas

"Texas officials are celebrating the seizure of an island near the United States-Mexico border described as a "safe haven" for cartel drugs and weapons. …

Under the direction of Texas Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Ranger Division and Texas Army National Guard occupied Fronton Island on October 2, 2023, and began clearing its vegetation ahead of patrols."

Tré eru óvinurinn.

Ķsraelar gera žaš sem ķslendingar eru of śrkynjašir til aš geta

"Hananya Ben Shimon, 23, an Israeli reservist fresh from military service in Gaza, shot and killed one of three Palestinian terrorists who had opened fire on civilians stuck in traffic on Thursday near Jerusalem, helping to stop the deadly attack."

Hinn almenni ķslendingur myndi aldrei ašstoša samborgara sķna svona, eins og dęmi sanna.  (Egilsstašir, fyrir ekkert löngu.)

Nįgranni žinn berst ekki fyrir žig, og ķ mörgum tilfellum ekki fyrir sjįlfan sig.  Einhver annar į aš gera žaš.  Einhver sem er langt ķ burtu.


Hótanir į hótanir ofan

Žaš hitnar ķ kolunum

"We the people know what happened to Chicago Ray. Despite his denials, the enforcers of the Deep State made a phone call or left a message under the windscreen wipers of his truck like, "Boycott Boy, you gonna have a bad accident before your haul is over." Or they made a call to his cell phone like, "If you don't end this boycott bullshit your family and home will be gone when you get back home.""

Hótanir nśna.

Frekari hótanir

"Exxon has warned the European Union that it will leave and take billions of dollars in climate investment with it unless Brussels makes it easier to spend those billions on transition-related projects."


N1 kommśnista hryšjuverkasamtökin

"Migrantifa’ — of course a portmanteau neologism of migrant and Antifascist Action — protested in Berlin on Friday night, a demonstration that devolved into scuffles and arrests after police attempted to shut down banned antisemitic chants. Establishment German newspaper Die Welt gives a rundown on the group which has bubbled under the surface for a few years but now gains new prominence."

Skjótiš žį bara.  Lang einfaldast.

Ętlar einhver aš segja žeim?

"Seattle’s homosexual intifada flyer is a stark oxymoron as brazen as it is ignorant. It signals LGBT Seattle activists are willing to become more violent in support of a terrorist organization that would order them tossed from the highest rooftop the moment they accuse someone of misgendering them."

Ég segi ekkert.

Stór snįkur

"Scientists have discovered the world's biggest snake in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

The remarkable species can grow up to 7.5m and weighs close to 500kg, making it the largest and heaviest snake known to man."

Klöppum žessu dżri.

Ķ śkranķu

Birnir vs UFO

"The bears definitely took notice of the drone. The animals’ heart rate skyrocketed when the UAV flew overhead, and their stress response was stronger when the quadcopter flew in windy conditions that masked the sound of its approach — apparently bears do not like being surprised. One bear started moving faster after the quadcopter flew by."


Hugljśf kvöldmśsķk

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