Úrval allskyns tíðinda utan úr heimi

Þetta er út um allt Internet af engri góðri ástæðu.  Man ekki eftir að nokkur tölvuleikur hafi fengið jafn mikla ókeypis auglýsingu og þessi.  90 mínútur af þessu...

Poppmenningin maður...

JK Rowling á leiðinni í djeilið

"Author JK Rowling could be prosecuted for “misgendering” trans people under Scotland’s odious new hate crime law that comes into force today, an SNP minister has admitted.

Rowling has vowed to continue calling biological males men and says she will now be targeted for telling the truth.

During their training program on enforcing the new law, police officers were taught that even the content of plays and comedy gigs should be considered as potential hate crimes."

Skotland verður að athlægi.

Leftistar að tapa sér.

Á tunglinu gengur allt sinn vanagang

"The ‘moon sniper’ survived its second freezing lunar night, as mission team members announced the news on X, in a post that also featured a photo newly snapped by the lander’s navigation camera."

Annar tölveuleikur sem ekki þurfti að auglýsa.  Virðist sem pöddu-misþyrmingar séu inn núna.

Vopnaframleiðzla vefst fyrir þjóðverjum

"The production lines for the Taurus are still available, so MBDA could “ramp up” deliveries of the missiles “at any time,” the executive said. “To do this, however, we would need a new order for these weapons,” he added.

The company cannot make reserves of the missiles because it is prohibited under German law, he explained."

Lélegasta herveldi ever.

Rúnt sim.  Í grunninn GTA með engu óþarfa BS.

Nasa fer að leita að sæskrímslum í stað geimvera

"Timothy Gallaudet, the former head of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has launched a probe into unidentified submersible objects (USOs) after a strange anomaly was discovered on the seabed off the coast of California."


Hlustum á kántrí:

Gott stöff.

Bloggfærslur 1. apríl 2024


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