Ofur-rottur og heimins öflugasta kattaleikfang

Lögreglan í London handtók fjölmarga ræningja

"British police had secured 21 convictions to date on a group of 31 men who have been charged with a spree of muggings and theft in the capital city, London.

All of the men are first- or second-generation immigrants."


Ég sagði ekkert.

Rafhjól brenna í NY

"In total, e-bikes caused 267 fires, causing 18 deaths and 150 injuries in the city, the New York Fire Department (FDNY) told Fox News, which notes that the figures represent the highest levels of each statistic - with deaths jumping 200% and fires increasing 21% over last year."

Hvernig er eiginlega frágangurinn á þessu?

Krabbamein er vinsælt núna

"A recent report published by the American Cancer Society predicted that new cancer cases are expected to reach a new high in 2024. Over 2 million new cases of cancer are expected.

The Wall Street Journal reports that doctors are baffled by the sudden rise in cancer among young people."

Hey, þið voruð vöruð við.

Íþróttafréttamaður deyr úr "skyndilega"

"Mike Dickson, an esteemed sportswriter with the Daily Mail, has collapsed and died in Melbourne while covering the Australian Open, his family have announced..."



Of algengt til að vera tilviljun.

Bretar þróa nýtt kattaleikfang

"The laser-directed energy weapon (LDEW) is claimed to have the ability to hit a precision target the size of a coin from a kilometre away. Although the exact range of the weapon is classified, the ministry said that it can engage with any visible target.

The MoD said that the average cost of firing the laser is around £10 per shot, meaning that the weapon has the “potential to be a long-term low-cost alternative to certain tasks missiles currently carry out.”"

Við getum pantað svona á Ali eftir 1-2 ár.

Þetta kemur málinu ekkert við

Brezku ofur-rotturnar

"The term "super-rats" refers to rats that have gained immunity to traditional poison baits used across the UK."

Allir eru á eiturlyfjum

Það gengur eitthvað illa hjá þeim í Davos

"During a discussion titled “What to Expect from a Possible Republican Administration,” Roberts let rip on the elitists.

“I will be candid,” Roberts began, adding “the agenda that every single person member of the [future Republican] administration needs to have, is to compile a list of everything that’s ever been proposed at the [WEF], and object all of them wholesale.”

He further urged that “anyone not prepared to do that, and take away this power of the unelected bureaucrats and give it back to the American people, is unprepared to be a part of the next conservative administration.”

When the discussion turned to Donald Trump, Roberts told the host of the panel, Sir Robin Niblett, ‘Distinguished Fellow’ of Chatham House, that “It’s laughable that you or anyone would describe Davos as protecting liberal democracy,” adding “It’s equally laughable to use the word ‘dictatorship’ at Davos and aim that at President Trump… I think that’s absurd.”

He continued, “The very reason I’m here at Davos, is to explain to many people in this room and who are watching, with all due respect – nothing personal – that you are part of the problem.”"

Hann lýgur ekki.

Í Flórída eru önnur vandamál.

""*FALLING IGUANAS* possible this weekend in Southwest Florida as the coldest air of the season moves in Sunday morning," WINKNews meteorologist Matt Devitt posted on social media platform X. 

Devitt pointed out, "We have a pretty sizable iguana population from Sanibel to Cape Coral to Naples. Locally, lows will dip into the 40s, wind chills in the 30s by sunrise.""

Talibanar segja Írönum og Pakistönum að slappa af

"The Taliban terrorist organization that rules Afghanistan urged its neighbors in Iran and Pakistan to show “restraint” after the two nations bombed each other, allegedly to diminish the threat of ethnic Baloch separatist groups to their respective governments."

Prófið þetta á Alþingi

"In its Wednesday piece, the widely read newspaper said that its reporter conducted swab tests of seven bathrooms inside Stockholm’s Riksdag with ‘cocaine wipes,’ which can detect trace amounts of the substance from surfaces that have come into contact with the narcotic.

The daily claimed that the swab tests revealed the presence of cocaine in four bathrooms inside the national legislature.

Sweden has for several years held a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to drug prevention as part of a broader plan aimed at reducing both the supply and demand of illegal narcotics within its borders."

Mig grunar samt að aðal fnið á þinginu hér heima sé lím.  Hugsanlega þynnir.


Pokarottu-eyrnalokkarnir eru alvöru

Og nú: íþrótta-umfjöllun:

50 metrar með frjálsri aðferð.  Framkvæmanlegt.

Svíar gera góða hluti

Góðar fréttir: Svíar ganga af kolefnistrúnni

"In the new year, Sweden REMOVED climate taxes on fuel, causing diesel prices to collapse by over 4 SEK per litre.

After the right-wing government removed climate taxes, prices in the new year reached almost as low as 17 SEK per litre. That is around 39% lower diesel prices."

Bara gleði í Svíþjóð.  Betri tíð framundan þar.

Á meðan, á Fróni

"Fimm sam­tök telja frum­varp Svandís­ar Svavars­dótt­ur mat­vælaráðherra um ný heild­ar­lög um sjáv­ar­út­veg veita ráðherra aukn­ar óljós­ar vald­heim­ild­ir, vega að rekstr­ar­grund­velli sjáv­ar­út­vegs­ins og ógni þannig lífs­kjör­um lands­manna allra."

Tómur niðurgangur hér á landi, í boði ríkisins.

Allskyns fíflagangur í Davos

"Organizers have been so worried about pampered Davos attendees and their delicate sensibilities that on Thursday guests were treated to ballet dancers performing in the snow, accompanied by a cellist, all set against an icy backdrop designed to “spark hope” and melt their cares away.

Their showpiece, titled “Performing Hope”, aimed to raise the spirits of guests worried about “the impacts of climate change and encourage them to keep taking action in their own small ways,” organisers said."

Rússar sprengja franska málaliða

"According to the Russian military, the strike conducted earlier this week killed more than 60 foreign mercenaries, predominantly French nationals.

Officials told the envoy that Paris itself was to blame for the mass casualties among the French nationals, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement on Friday."


Rafbílarnir eru ekki mjög gróðavænlegir

"Ford Motor's electric vehicle sales are running out of juice as the company plans to slash production of its all-electric F-150 Lightning in April "to achieve the optimal balance of production, sales growth and profitability." 

Beginning on April 1, approximately 1,400 employees will be impacted at the Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn, Michigan, Ford wrote in a statement on Friday."

Sjáið þessi göng sem við fjármögnuðum.


Trans dýr fjarlægð af þartilgerðum embættismönnum

"Students who purport to be an imaginary animal or animal species, or who engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly referred to as furries at school shall not be allowed to participate in school curriculum or activities. The parent or guardian of a student in violation of this section shall pick the student up from the school, or animal control services shall be contacted to remove the student."


Inn á milli eru snillingar, og ég kann að meta það.

Kynskift Nazista BDS hóra handtekin/n af FBI fyrir hótanir

"The FBI last week arrested a trans person referred to as a “Nazi Dominatrix from Hell” after discovering he posted about going out in a “blaze of glory” while making threatening comments about multiple ethnic groups and those who objected to his lifestyle."

Þessir kommúnistar...

Þetta er mikið spilað í útvarpinu núna.  Cover útgáfan, þ.e.a.s.  Tjækovský, ofarlega á vinsældarlistanum, AD 2024.  Bara af þvi.

Forseti Argentínu ávarpar samkomu fasista

"Milei, a libertarian economist, explained in a roughly 20-minute speech how socialism ultimately leads to poverty, how the state “is not the solution,” but rather “the problem itself,” and how leftism has co-opted Western government institutions to further its agendas.

Milei urged world leaders to embrace capitalism as an alternative.

The Argentine president lamented that world leaders have abandoned the ideas of freedom, embracing instead several versions of leftism which he categorized as being versions of the same ideology of collectivism."

Fasistarnir eru ekkert að fara að hlusta á hann.


Unga kynslóðin spjarar sig

"A recent study has revealed significant skepticism among young audiences regarding climate alarmism, a development that poses a challenge to advocates of urgent climate action but is likely to be welcomed by those who see stoking fear about the supposed ills of global warming as exaggerated.

Researchers also found that roughly one-third of teenagers (the predominant YouTube audience) hold views such as “climate policies cause more harm than good” or consider “climate change a hoax to control and oppress people.”

The findings—which the CCDH calls alarming and “startling”—suggest that there’s a growing rejection of climate narratives that emphasize imminent global catastrophe."

Góðar fréttir.  Við þurfum þær.


Staðreyndir tala sínu máli.


Stutt skopsaga um kappát


Eitthvað allt annað.

Hef eki tekið eftir neinu af þessu.  En ég hef verið að lesa aðra, eldri hluti.


Leitin að vitsmunalífi á jörðinni ber engan árangur

Fasisti óttast frelsið

"A juicy tidbit has already emerged, with Harvard Professor of the History of Science Naomi Oreskes and President of swiss universities Luciana Vaccaro whining about how “dangerous”problematic” X is.

Oreskes declared “For a long time, I was on Twitter, And now it’s become such a toxic place that I’ve concluded it’s not a worthwhile place to spend time. And as you said, it is exhausting.”

She continued, “So you do have to pick and choose, and you have to think about where the place is, where you can get your message across. But I am trying to figure out, I mean, I have given up on X. What a scary name that even is, right? And I don’t know what the alternative is right now.”

Vaccaro charged that it is “the policy of the owner that is problematic,” presumably referring to Musk’s dedication to free speech on the platform."

Þessir glóbalistar...

Talandi um glóbalista...

"A veritable peasants’ revolt appears to be budding across the continent as overregulation, inflation and the green agenda are taking their toll on the ability of farmers to earn a living in — and consequently feed the people of — modern Europe. The latest protests to crop up in France came over the low payout from supermarket chains to food producers."

Þetta minnkar ekki.

Glóbalistar eru hræddir við Trump

"BlackRock vice chairman Philipp Hildebrand issued his caution from the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.

In doing so he added his voice to the swelling chorus from Europe that fears a Trump return to the world stage.

Hildebrand, a member of the firm’s Global Executive Committee, was responding to recent comments by Christine Lagarde, the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), who said Trump posed a “clear threat” to Europe because his divergent views set him apart from the European mainstream, the report sets out.

Lagarde last week warned history showed Trump’s “manner in which he carried out the first four years of his mandate… is clearly a threat.”"

Ó nei.  Friður og hagsæld.  En skelfilegt.

Glóbalistar eru smám saman að átta sig á hve illa liðnir þeir eru

"People no longer trust their governments to tackle climate change, war, and inequality, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has said.

Public trust in government has fallen across the Western world since the turn of the millennium. A Pew Research survey found that only 16% of Americans currently trust their leaders and institutions, down from 44% in the year 2000. A survey taken by the EU in 2022 found that the average citizen of the bloc gave their government a ‘trust score’ of 3.6 out of 10, down from 4.7 in 2020.

...there is a disconnect between the issues highlighted by Guterres and the issues that the public in the US and EU actually consider important. While the UN chief made climate change and AI the focus of his speech, Americans by and large do not consider these to be pressing concerns. According to a Gallup poll conducted last year, Americans rated the economy, poor leadership, inflation, and immigration as their top concerns, with only 3% of respondents naming climate change as their most important issue, and less than 0.5% identifying AI or foreign conflicts as their top priority."

Þeir eru gjörsamlega fyrrtir.

Sameiginlegt vandamál okkar allra.

Framtíðin er í kjarnorku

"U.S.-based Uranium Energy Corp said on Tuesday it would restart uranium production at its fully permitted site in Wyoming as the resurgence in nuclear power has led to a new bull market in uranium."

Kolefnistrúamenninrnir verða bara að fá hvellskitu.

Og: geimverur

"What is expected is this: a scientific paper that will provide firm evidence of alien life on an exoplanet (a planet outside our solar system).

The discovery would use biosignatures – gases and chemicals highly likely to have emanated from organic creatures."

Borgið þá út

Þetta fer sennilega undir hraun í næsta mánuði.

"Það á ekki að vefjast neitt fyr­ir rík­is­stjórn Íslands að borga okk­ur öll út, ef það er það sem við vilj­um, með for­gangs­rétti aft­ur ef við vilj­um koma inn."

Segir maðurinn.  Og því ekki?

Hann er meira að segja með einhverja útreikninga:

"„Ég verð stund­um svo svekkt­ur þegar ég pæli í því, eins og Þór­dís Kol­brún sagði áðan, að það kosti um 115 millj­arða að borga okk­ur út. 115 millj­arða,“ sagði Páll Val­ur."

115 milljarðar. Ætti ekki að vera vandi. Ríkkið sóaði jú næstum 40 milljörðum á síðasta ári í útlendinga og kokteilpartý.

Ég hef hugmynd:

Leggjum niður Umhverfis, orku og loftslagsráðuneytið, og allt sem því tengist.  Samkvæmt fjárlögum þá sparar það strax 17 milljarða, sem dekkar þetta á innan við 10 árum.

Þegar öll gjöld og reglugerðir sem þessu ráðuneyti fylgja verða felld úr gildi verður líka hagsveifla uppá örugglega 100 milljarða strax fyrsta árið, sem dekkar þetta alveg.

Málefni innflytjenda og flóttamanna eru svo næstum 2 milljarðar í viðbót, og "Útlendingamál" eru af einhverjum orsökum næstum 8 milljarðar, og svo aftur í dómsmálaráðuneyti uppá 2.5 milljarða.  Auðveldur sparnaður, það.

Svo er þróunarsamvinna uppá 3 milljarða.  Ekki okkar vandamál.

"Fjölmiðlun" kostar ríkið 6 milljarða.  Í hvaða fasistaríki er það á könnu ríkisins?  Spörum okkur það.

Strax búinn að spara næstum 40 milljarða, og græða miklu meira.  Málið leyst á vel innan við 3 árum.

Það er líka hægt að fara í smáatriði og spara miklu meira, en látum þetta duga í bili.  Bara til þess að sýna hversu létt verk þetta er.

Það eina sem vantar er viljinn.

Hann er ekkert fyrir hendi.

Nútíma vandamál búin til af nútíma fólki

Sérsveitin hindrar bónda í að ná í rollurnar sínar

"Grét­ar fékk að flytja kind­ur sín­ar úr Grinda­vík í gær­kvöld en það gekk ekki átaka­laust fyr­ir sig. Þegar hann mætti sér­sveit­ar­mönn­un­um lá við að upp úr syði."

Og fólk segir að Ameríkanar séu fífl.


WHO lýgur að okkur... aftur

"Alþjóðaheil­brigðis­stofn­un­in (WHO) seg­ir bólu­efni við kór­ónu­veirunni hafi bjargað að minnsta kosti 1,4 millj­ón­um manns­lífa í Evr­ópu."

Þetta sull virðist fljótt á litið hafa aukið dánarlíkur allra sem það tóku um meira en 50%, svo tala látinna eftir þessa mRNA eitrun er orðin ansi há.

Tengd frétt

"As TMZ reported, “All My Children” actor Alec Musser died suddenly Friday night at his home in Del Mar, CA. He was just 50 years old.

Musser’s fiancé Paige Press revealed that he was suffering from “a severe case of COVID” despite being fully vaccinated and boosted, as Fox News noted"

Bara stikk-prufa.  Eitt dæmi af milljónum.

Þýzkir bændur vilja losna við glóbalistana

"Culminating a week of nationwide demonstrations in which thousands of farmers took to their tractors to shut down typically busy highways and the thoroughfares of major cities, an estimated 5,000 tractors, trucks and over 10,000 people crowded into the centre of Berlin on Monday.

The protests were sparked by the left-wing coalition government’s decision to solve a budget crisis with cuts to agricultural subsidies and eliminating tax exemptions for farmers on diesel, a measure that has been in place for over 70 years.

Meanwhile, the government not only refused to cut any aid to Ukraine, it doubled down on propping up the proxy war effort against Russia, vowing to double payments to Kyiv this year to eight billion euros."

Þjóðverjar hafa yfir sér sömu úrkynjuðu gerpin og við.


Pútín hefur í hótunum

"Ukraine’s much-touted counteroffensive has now “completely failed” and its very statehood could soon suffer an irreparable blow, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the ‘Small Motherland – the Strength of Russia’ forum in Moscow on Tuesday."

Hvað er mikið eftir af þessu stríði?


Allar hórur uppteknar vegna fyrirmenna

"The 54th annual gathering of the World Economic Forum begins today in the small Alpine resort town of Davos. The invitation-only meeting brings nearly 2,800 leaders from 120 countries together to discuss the world's most pressing topics, such as climate change, artificial intelligence, and virus pandemics.

What's on the menu this year? Well, The New York Post described: "Caviar, magic mushrooms, gold-leaf desserts, A-list selfies, $2,500-per-night hookers and secret dinners."  

In a separate report, the French newspaper "20 minutes" sheds even more light into this years' hooker-fest' at Davos:

Aside from unspoken dark Davos nights, WEF is trying to rebuild trust. This comes after populist movements swept across the Western world following political and corporate elites who mismanaged the Covid crisis and pushed failed social and economic policies that have sparked outrage amongst the majority. A symptom of this failure is President Biden's imploding polling data.  

We doubt WEF will be close to rebuilding trust as the majority are catching on to these virtue-signaling elites who roll up in private jets and petrol-guzzling motorcades to discuss climate change."

Ég er mest hissa á að þeir vilji lögráða hórur.  Og lifandi.

Annars hef ég oft spurt, en aldrei fengið nein svör við spurningunni, hvert er úrkynjaða orðið fyrir náriðil?

Ég meina, nú væri kjörið að vera með uppstoppaða mongólíta á leigu fyrir auðuga náriðla, en það er líka ljóst að þeir eru að minnsta kosti jafn úrkynjaðir og Gísli Marteinn, þó þeir þræti fyrir það, og úrkynjað fólk notar ekki orð eins og "náriðill," "barnanauðgari," eða "mongólíti."

Þannig þekkirðu það.  Ég sem ekki reglurnar.  Og hvernig á ég að leigja náriðlum nái ef þeir nota ekki orðið náriðill, og móðgast hreinlega ef það er notað?

Það er mjög erfittt fyrir úrkynjað fólk að tjá sig, og jafnvel erfiðara að skilja það.


Musk tekur sér Niggara-forréttindi

"Elon Musk throws more fuel on the racial fire burning down his X advertising revenue by weighing in on diversity debate about Black people’s intelligence

Elon Musk has concerns over whether airlines diversifying their pilot recruitment programs risk flight safety.

Elon Musk’s war against diversity hiring threatens to once again land him in hot water with advertisers."

Niggara forrétindi eru ekki gefin, þau eru tekin.  Eins og reiðhjól.

Framtíðin er Fljúgandi Mongó

Kommúnista ráðninga-aðferðir

"FAA's "diversity push" includes focus on hiring people with "severe intellectual" and "psychiatric" disabilities

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is actively recruiting workers who suffer "severe intellectual" disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency's website."

Hver þarf ekki flogaveika flugemnn og geðveika flugumferðarstjóra?

Í Rúmeníu

Það er til "Djúpríki" og það óttast Trump

"In a detailed report, NBC News inadvertently admitted the existence of a “Deep State,” allegedly working to facilitate a military coup against former President Trump if he is freely and fairly elected by Americans.

The NBC article paints a portrait of a left-wing plot to disrupt military allegiance to civilian control."

Allar samsæriskenninbarnar eru sannar, hver ein og einasta.

Kolefnistrúarmenn eru engu betri en flatjarðarsinnar.

Maður gengur berserksgang á gröfu

"Officers said he was behind the controls of a skid loader when he damaged multiple vehicles and businesses. Police were initially alerted to the situation around 2:30 p.m. when callers said the skid loader was vandalizing vehicles at a local convenience store."

Fentanyl fyrir alla

"In what constitutes a clear trampling of parental rights, British Columbia recently authorized the provision of “safer supply” fentanyl to youth across the province, regardless if parents are informed of, or agree to, this measure."

Oh, Kanada.

Og þetta er Winner dagsins, vikunnar ef ekki ársins:

"Fire trucks and ambulances swarmed the White House after a caller told 911 dispatchers the building was on fire and someone was trapped inside in what appears to be a 'swatting' incident."

... já.


Annarra manna vandamál

Tökum okkur korter til að skoða eitthvað annað en endalok Grindavíkur.

Demókratar vilja að fólk afvopnist og láti myrða sig friðsamlega

"Democrat lawmakers are advancing legislation intended to prevent privately organized paramilitary and militia group activities within the United States.

Their bills defines a “private paramilitary organization” as “any group of 3 or more persons associating under a command structure for the purpose of functioning in public or training to function in public as a combat, combat support, law enforcement, or security services unit.”"

Fyrst hleypa þeir glæpamönnum inn, svo fækka þeir lögreglunni, svo afvopna þeir fólkið...

Pólsk stjórnmál eru ekki eins og okkar

"Poland is still reeling from the monster demonstrations for the release of the (already pardoned) political prisoners that were illegally arrested INSIDE THE PRESIDENTIAL PALACE, but the new Prime Minister Donald Tusk has already moved ahead relentlessly in his vendetta against prominent officials from the former government.

Worse, Tusk now makes it even clearer that he isn’t about to be constrained by judicial decisions that may be contrary to his liking."


Uhm... já.

"The German government only twice checked where the weapons it had sent abroad in 2023 ended up, Der Spiegel reported on Friday, citing officials. Meanwhile, Berlin’s massive military assistance to Kiev was also left unsupervised, with German policymakers relying on assurances from Ukrainian officials.

Russia, which has repeatedly condemned Western arms deliveries to Ukraine, has also warned that these weapons could end up in the black market, reaching criminals and terrorists around the world."

Kannski finn ég á morgun skriðdreka á Bland.


Hamas stuðningsmenn gera árás á Hvíta húsið

"According to The Guardian, thousands of protesters swarmed Washington DC on Saturday “to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and to protest US aid to Israel.”

The protesters were seen shaking the fence as they yelled, “Fuck Joe Biden.” Secret Service agents dressed in riot gear were seen behind the fence

In another instance, protesters climbed the Rochambeau Statue in Lafayette Square to wave Palestinian flags."

Þetta er ekkert meira uppörvandi en áður.

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