27.10.2023 | 17:04
Þriðja heimstyrrjöld vofir yfir, vinsæl meðal yfirvalda allstaðar.
"In the overnight and early morning hours in Syria (local time), US forces carried out airstrikes on what it said are Iran-linked militants and installations in eastern Syria. Multiple targets have been hit. "
... í Sýrlandi. Þetta svæði fær ekkert að vera í friði.
Biden vill afvopna bandaríkjamenn
"On Thursday, in response to the Maine shootings, President Joe Biden pushed for a repeal of protections that protect gun makers from frivolous lawsuits, universal background checks, and other gun controls."
Sami gaurinn og fjármagnaði Hamas...
Allt þarf ekkert að tengjast neinu.
Not the bee gerir grín að okkur
"So weird that after decades of relentless feminist appeasement and gender equity ideology, a country's hardline feminist bloc still isn't satisfied.
*The prime minister joined other women in Iceland on a strike to call attention to the remaining inequalities in their society even though the country ranks highest globally in terms of gender parity.
Indeed, even the people organizing these things tacitly acknowledge that it's all bunk:
*The main reason for the gender disparity in Iceland, according to Thorbergsdottir, is line of work, with female dominated sectors offering lower salaries. Another problem is that women bear more of the burden at home, including the mental load."
Eins og þeir segja: You can't fix stupid.
Þegar heyrnatækin segja þér að myrða...
"In an exclusive report, NBC News reported Katie Card who is married to Robert's brother, shared that Robert began to hear horrible voices talking about him just shortly after he was fitted for high-powered hearing aids."
26.10.2023 | 18:08
Bíókvöld sem við erum að missa af
"Columbia University's LionLez club is hosting a black lesbian film night to support the "free Palestine" movement and "Zionists aren't invited.""
Eru Zíonistar að missa af einhverju? Eru þeir einhver peripheri-demógrafía, sem fílar svona hluti?
En hvað er verið að sýna þarna? Jú: "Rafiki is about a lesbian relationship in Kenya and the difficulties the women face living in a repressive society where their families disagree with their lifestyles. Rafiki was banned in Kenya."
Hæjómar óspennandi.
"Shakedown is about an underground black lesbian strip club in LA. It streamed on Pornhub."
Á pornub. ... já. Satt að segja ekki alveg það sem ég bjóst við, en því ekki?
"George-Griffin is working on a film called "LESBIANA: The Black Lesbian Masterdoc,""
... ha? Þessi frétt er kómedíu gullnáma, segi ég.
Hvað verður það næst?
IRGay. Bíókvöld með einungis kvikmyndum um samkynhneigða Kóreumenn í hjólastól, til stuðnings IRA?
Og NecroSIS, bíókv0ld með kvikmyndum um náriðla með vatnshöfuð, til stuðnings við ISIS?
Ég veit það ekki. Framtíðin er óráðin.
25.10.2023 | 20:18
Með engu E-i
Úr kvikmynd... uppúr bók.
"This novel of 50,000+ words, written during 1936 and 1937, is famous for lacking the English letter "e" in its manuscript."
Hljóðbók eða texti.
Það þarf saxófón músík með þessari, held ég.
Eitthvað allt annað
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
24.10.2023 | 19:48
Hin uggvænlega lesbíska amma á vígaslóð
Lesbíska amman gerir aðra árás
Hver man ekki eftir lesbæisku ömmunni, og ofsóknum hennar í garð einrænnar unglingsstelpu? Jæja, hún hefur reitt til höggs aftur:
"I don't know all the context here, and police say they are investigating the incident. But this overzealous woman who looks like a lesbian grandmother can be clearly seen in this video pepper spraying civilians in the face."
Brezka lögreglan hlýtur að vera sú lélegasta í heimi.
Þessu tengt.
Stuðningsmenn hryðjuverkasamtaka ráðast á fréttamann
"A Turning Point USA staffer was attacked by demonstrators waving Palestinian flags in a town just outside Chicago on Sunday. The Illinois, Missouri, and NW Indiana high school rep was punched, kicked, and hit with a flagpole while trying to escort an elderly Jewish couple through a counterprotest following a pro-Israel rally.
The attack is just the latest in a string of similar incidents that have taken place at anti-Israel rallies across the US and around the globe."
Hamas hefur aldeilis breitt úr sér.
Svisslendingar gerast hægri öfgamenn
"Switzerland's right-wing People's Party (SVP), known by its German acronym, has secured one of its most significant electoral wins in recent years - garnering 28.6% of the votes in the national elections, marking a notable increase from their 25.6% performance four years ago."
Þeir eru svo hægri-öfga að þeir hvorki nauðga börnum né skera af þeim kynfærin.
Allskonar kynlaus gálkn þykjast ofsótt af einhverju ímynduðu "feðraveldi"
"Urður Bartels, stálp..." (sic)
Undanfarin misseri hef ég móðgað barna-nauðgara (þeir hringdu í mömmu, alveg brjálaðir, til þess að kvarta), barnageldara og meira að segja náriðil.
Um að gera að bæta kynferðislega vökvakenndum flæðilínum á þann lista.
Aló ætlar að kenna 8 ára börnum að stunda endaþarmsmök.
Ég velti fyrir mér, þegar allir þessir Hamas skæruliðar koma hingað, í boði Íslenska ríkisins, fyrirsjáanlega, hvernig mun þeim lítast á öll þessi kvár og hán og skromp og skjö?
Illa, hugsa ég.
Og að lokum:
Hamra-maður ræðst á skotvopnabúð
"The Livermore Police Department observed that the alleged robber then attempted to rob the gun store by taking a firearm while armed with a hammer.
NBC Bay Area noted the store owner then fired two rounds, at least one of which struck the suspect, who died at the scene."
... já. Auðvitað.
23.10.2023 | 17:27
Ungdómurinn í Asíu
Hitler vs Krypplingar
Þessi deild sósílasimans var í mannbótafræðunum, sem gengu út að gera mannkynið betra, hraustara, með Darwinæiskum aðferðum.
Þetta fór eitthvað í taugarnar á katólsku kirkjunni, fyrirsjáanlega.
Trudeau vs fólj sem enginn nennir að sjá um
Þessi deild sósíalismans fer með mannfólk eins og einhverjar vélar, skynlausa hluti, og hendir þeim bara ef það svarar ekki kostnaði (að þeirra mati) að halda þeim við.
Hrein leti og vafasamur peningasparnaður knýr þetta áfram.
Það er stutt í mannát með þessu áframhaldi.
Betri auglýsingu fyrir AR 15 er erfitt að finna
"If you were wondering why the pro-Palestinian protests in the US today are starting to look a lot like the BLM riots of 2020, it's probably because they are made up of the same people with the same political agenda. Minnesota has one of the most concentrated Muslim populations in the US, but it is also a well-known Democrat stronghold. Palestinian protests across the country are predominantly manned by far-left groups like Antifa seeking to attach themselves to minority issues as an excuse to wreak havoc.
Before the drone footage, they tried to frame this as old white man drives through a pro-Palestinian protest Turns out, a mob blocked off the highway, surrounded his car, chased him, and then tried attacking him."
Sósíalistar. Allstaðar reyna þeir að myrða. Tengd frétt.
ADL á einhverjum villigötum, eins og venjulega.
Áframhaldandi ævintýri sósíalista
"Residents of a luxury apartment complex in Long Beach, California have been under siege the past month by marauding teens, homeless and even young children who have harassed and beaten residents, invaded hallways of the buildings and set arson fires to several cars, according to local reports."
Þeir kusu þetta víst yfir sig...
Þessi fíflagangur heldur áfram
"Landsréttur hefur fellt úr gildi ákvörðun Héraðsdóms Reykjavíkur um að vísa frá ákæru í hryðjuverkamálinu.
Þá segist Sveini Andra gruna að málið muni enda fyrir Hæstarétti að lokum. "Með einum eða öðrum hætti.""
Þessir peyjar verða goðsagnir í lögfræðiheiminum fyrir þetta.
22.10.2023 | 16:51
Íkornavarpan er mikið þarfaþing
Kínverjar vilja taka þátt í partýinu
"Worrisomely other major global powers are bolstering their presence, particularly ones which have of late issued severe criticisms of Israel's largescale aerial assault on Gaza (namely Russia and China), which has killed thousands of civilians - many women and children among them. Russia has been operating jet patrols over Syria, and importantly China now has additional warships in the Mideast region.
Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post has confirmed that up to six Chinese warships have been in Middle East waters over the last week."
Gott að allir eru að taka þátt og enginn skilinn útundan.
Íkorna hringekja.
Menn hafa mismikið dálæti á Austurrískum listamönnum
"An image of a smiling Adolf Hitler was shown as part of a pregame trivia question about Hitlers place of birth."
Einn umdeildasti listmálari 20 aldarinnar.
Stuðningsmenn hryðjuverkasamtaka berjast við lögreglu
"The New York Post reports the Flood Brooklyn for Palestine demonstration quickly dissolved into chaos at sunset, with protesters shutting down traffic through Bay Ridge, screaming at NYPD officers and lighting small fires in the middle of the roadways.
The rally continued into the night with tensions eventually flaring between officers and demonstrators. Police say more than a dozen people were taken into custody, ABC 7 detailed."
UK fjármagnar Hamas. Beint og í ggnum UN. Það gera íslensk stjórnvöld líka.
"The Met said that despite their increased patrols in heavily Jewish areas, they have seen a drastic increase of 1,353 per cent in antisemitic offences this month, which they said included abuse directed at individuals or groups in person or online, racially or religiously motivated criminal damage and other offences.
The London police went on to claim that there has also been a 140 per cent increase in Islamophobic offences, from 42 during the same time last year to 101."
Og nú hafa þessir sauða-bjánar áhyggjur af tjáningafrelsinu
"Hún segir dæmi þess að fólki hafi verið sagt upp starfi eftir að hafa birt Facebook-færslur til stuðnings Palestínu."
Fyrst heimta þau lög gegn hatursglæpum, svo fá þau lög gegn hatursglæpum, og svo eru þau notuð á þau, og þá fara þau í fýlu. Þau báðu um þetta.
Ekki íkorni
"You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered adulteration. I just got off the phone with Professor Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone on this."
Ein leið til að enda tónleika býst ég við...
"The hip hop group Death Grips cut its performance in Fayetteville, Arkansas, last week after fans wouldnt stop throwing glow sticks at them."
Rap... stytting á crap.
Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:56 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
21.10.2023 | 18:35
Spurning um verðmætamat
Ég hef efasemdir um verðmætamat íslendinga almennt.
6 mánaða fangelsi fyrir að eiga hluti
Hvað sat Steingrímur Njálson inni lengi? Aldrei 6 mánuði. En, að mati íslendinga, eða réttara sagt yfirvalda, þá var hann varla glæpamaður.
Þetta er allt spurning um gildismat.
Er þetta þitt gildismat? Ef þú mættir velja...
Íslenskt gildismat berst víða um heim
"A convicted child molester set up a tent across from a SF school offering free fentanyl for new users He has been doing this for 2 years.
Police say they can't remove him."
Hey, þetta er bókstaflega það sem margt fólk hefur verið að berjast fyrir mjög lengi. Að útdeila eiturlyfjum til barna, og veita barnanauðgurum aðgengi að þeim.
Þetta síðarnefnda hefur reyndar verið í gangi lengi. Sbr fyrrnefndur Steingrímur, og Breiðavík, og svo framvegis...
Tragísk hryllingssaga fyrir hinn venjulega íslending
"Three dummies tried to break into a home in Auburn WA early this morning, pretending to be police officers. They were armed at the time. But they got something they didn't anticipate: a homeowner who is also a gun owner."
Íslneskir normísar gráta sig í svefn, skjálfandi af ótta núna, vitandi að saklaus maður lifir enn.
"More than half of US active-duty service members are overweight or obese, the New York Post has reported, citing a recent study. Military leaders told US Congress in May that the Army, Navy, and Air Force would fail to meet their recruitment targets this year, citing a shrinking pool of eligible candidates."
Frekari ævintýri fólks sem bað um allskonar og fékk það svo
"Hundreds of angry residents gathered on the Southwest Side near 38th Street and California Avenue, where Johnson is planning to erect a tent city for illegal border crossers, even as winter approaches.
City crews have been cutting down trees, clearing ground clutter, and leveling the ground in preparation for the construction of the migrant housing facility."
20.10.2023 | 11:50
Vitleysa kolefnistrúarmanna er ótrúleg
"Katrín Jakobsdóttir forsætisráðherra hélt ræðu á setningu þings Hringborðs Norðurslóða í dag þar sem hún lagði ríka áherslu á samstöðu þjóðanna þegar kemur að því að mæta auknum áskorunum vegna loftlagsbreytinga og annarra hörmunga sem eru að eiga sér stað í heiminum."
Q "Við stöndum ekki einungis frammi fyrir tímum hnattrænnar hlýnunar heldur væri kannski réttara að segja hnattrænnar suðu."
Kata er NPC.
Hér er æðsti prestur kolefnistrúarinnar að forrita minionin sín.
Hér er rútubílstjóri í Englandi að sýna okkur rétt viðbrögð við ruglinu í þessu úrkynjaða liði:
"A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has discovered that adding just one cup of coffee a day to your routine can help you manage your weight!
The findings revealed that one additional cup of unsweetened coffee per day was associated with a decrease of .26 pounds over a four-year period."
Allir fá sér Espresso.
"Transgender UC Davis Professor Jemma Decristo made threats against Jews last week after Hamas terrorists ambushed Israel and slaughtered more than 1,300 Jews.
The professor referenced Zionist journalists and was quoted as saying on his/her UC Davis page: one group of ppl we have easy access to in the US is all these zionist journalists who spread propaganda and misinformation, they have houses w addresses, kids in school, they can fear their bosses, but they should fear us more. After the quote there are emojis with a knife, axe, and blood droplets."
Tranni. Auðvitað.
Sumir hafa kaldhæðnar hugmyndir um heimsmálin.
Engum er vel við kolefnistrúðana.
19.10.2023 | 19:11
Það er október... það er þannig
Þetta er óttalegt torf.
Þetta er klassík.
Þessi virðist ekki fíla þetta of vel.
Það er ólíklegt að þú hafir heyrt um þessa.
Það er október, þá er kaninn í svona rugli.
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
19.10.2023 | 16:49
Terroristar gera terrorista hluti.
"On Wednesday, Biden announced that the United States would be sending a $100 million aid package to Gaza and the West Bank."
Stuðningsmenn terrorista hertaka þinghús
"On Wednesday afternoon, pro-Palestinian activists entered the Cannon House Office Building and occupied it, holding a sit-in on the floor and engaging in chants. They demanded that Congress call for a cease-fire in Gaza and refused to leave."
Allir vilja taka þátt.
Af hverju eru þessar erjur komnar til Þýzkalands?
"According to the Berlin Police, 174 people were arrested at the banned protest and 65 police officers were injured during the rioting that lasted until the early hours of Thursday morning. The protest was organised by the Youth against Racism activist group, German broadcaster NTV reports."
Á meðan, í A-Evrópu:
Maður dæmdur í fangelsi fyrir skrípamynd
"Pro-Trump meme maker Douglass Mackey, AKA, Ricky Vaughn, was sentenced to 7 months in prison for trolling Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.
Mackey was facing a maximum of 10 years in prison for speech crimes."
Margir idíótar féllu fyrir augljósa brandaranum:
"According to the complaint, more than 4,900 people cast their vote via text message."
Orð eru morð, segja þeir núna.
Á næsta ári birtist halastjarna
"Pons-Brooks which has been deemed as the devil comet due to its horns exploded on October 5th and is now on trajectory towards the Earth."
Töff. Fylgjumst með.
Matur framtíðarinnar er pöddur og sag
"ÄIO, set up in 2022, has created a way of producing fats and oils from industrial waste.
When asked if ÄIO faces prejudice from consumers, who may be reluctant to eat industrial byproducts, Lahtvee insists the process is the same as making other fermented foods like kimchi or yoghurt that people eat without thinking twice."
Borðið iðnaðarúrgang og pöddur. Munið eftir grímunni, svo þið fáið ekki kóvid.
Þegar maður hélt að Macdónalds borgarinn væri vafasamur...