18.10.2023 | 13:23
Hvað get ég fundið í dag?
Kóvið "bóluefni" drepur þig á 100 vegu
"Internal medicine physician Dr. Keith Berkowitz, who has treated 200 COVID-vaccine-injured patients, told The Epoch Times that he found gut problems widespread among long-COVID and post-vaccine patients
Infections with the COVID-19 virus have been shown to damage the gut microbiome and are associated with compromised integrity of the guts mucous layer, causing gut dysbiosisa microbiome imbalance.
Reports have also shown that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is linked to reduced biodiversity in the microbiome."
Aha... "Láttu bólusetja þig, annars færðu kóvid og deyrðs svo mikið að það þarf að jarða þig ítrekað," sögðu þau.
Aldraður tranni sigrar aldraðar konur í skylmingum
"On Sunday, a trans-identifying biological male took first place in the 70+ category at the FIE Veteran Fencing World Championships in Daytona Beach, Florida."
Skylmingar fyrir 70 ára og eldri er hlutur sem er til.
Maður sem stuðlar að glæpum verður fyrir glæpum
"Soros-backed Orleans Parish District Attorney Jason Williams and his elderly mother fell victim to a carjacking on Monday evening in New Orleans, when two perpetrators reportedly wielded high-powered automatic rifles during the incident, Fox 8 reports."
Kaninn með einhverja nostalgíu.
"A driver believes they spotted a black panther pacing through a field - in Wales.
Video shows a large, dark shape walking up a hill in the Colwyn Bay area.
Apparently some black panthers were let loose in Wales in the 1970s and some pairs have bred."
Ks Ks.
Menn sjá þetta mál frá ýmsum sjónarhornum:
Á meðan í Úkraníu:
17.10.2023 | 16:15
Þetta venjulega.
Getur verið að þetta sé amerískur varmint riffill í caliberi 5.59 NATO? Víetnam handfangið leynir sér ekki.
Beint frá Afghanistan kannski? Eða Úkraníu? Ef það seinna, þá eigum við Íslendingar smá þátt í þessu. Annars er þetta allt þí Boði Biden, eins og allt sem aflaga fer þessar stundir.
Ég hef á tilfinningunni að Rússar taki þetta ekki of alvarlega
"The man is National Bolshevik party member Stanislav Getmanets, who uses the military call sign 'Biden'. He went to the front as a volunteer a year ago. His detachment, which became known in the Russian media as combat anime, was among the first to capture Western military equipment during the Armed Forces of Ukraines (AFU) summer counteroffensive."
Combat hvað núna?
Nunna tæklar kolefnistrúarmann
"It's the fierce battle of religions happening in France.
On one side, you have a Catholic Church attempting to build a new religious center in the commune of Saint-Pierre-de-Colombier.
On the other side, you have environmentalist wacko planet worshippers who wish to stop the construction because of the "environmental footprint" of the project and the potential endangerment of a rare plant."
"After having their vehicle sat on, smashed up, and otherwise attacked, the driver attempted to get away, hitting other cars along the way. All the while, police officers sat idly by watching the situation play out, only once stepping in to tell the crowd to "back it up" as the driver tried to escape."
Þess vegna þarftu AR-15.
Þetta er ekki gæfulegt hjá þeim.
Allar fréttir eru um einhver áflog í Ísrael, og mér er svo sama...
16.10.2023 | 14:42
Eitthvað allt annað
"Two American women competing to be the first in the country to scale the tallest 14 mountains were killed while climbing the last remaining peak on their list."
Svona fór það.
Internet húmor
"Rushing in to save the visually distressed pet, the man is heard cursing at the kangaroo, saying: 'I'm going to punch you f*****g head in. Let my dog go'.
Then, the kangaroo lunges at the man before the video cuts out - a struggle is heard before the video reappears showing the kangaroo stood facing the man and the dog now free."
Mortal Kombat!
Á meðan, í Portland, Oregon:
Fór ekki Dagur B og föruneyti þangað?
Til að læra hluti. Sýnist þeir ekki kunna neitt nema ósiði þarna.
""As tragic as the mass-shootings are, armed citizens are essential to the defense of democracy," Musk wrote on X in response to a post that discussed numerous examples of events in the US throughout the past three years that may push a person to purchase a firearm."
Berjist gegn glæpum skjótið á móti.
"The staff and students of Windsor High School are mourning the loss of 15-year-old football player Elijah-Jay Mariano-Rivera, who died suddenly during a medical emergency at practice on Tuesday."
"Þeir sem hafa fengið tvo skammta af Pfizer eða Moderna mRNA bóluefni gegn Covid-19 og hafa engin einkenni hjartavöðvabólgu eru með marktækt hærra magn af glúkósalíka efninu FDG í hjartanu, sem bendir til hjartabólgu, samkvæmt nýlega birtri niðurstöðu japanskrar rannsóknar."
Andi Fu Manchu svífur yfir vötnum.
Þetta hefði verið ásættanlegt plott í 80ies grínmynd
"In September 2022, the Wyoming-based chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma voted to allow a 62 biological man who uses the name Artemis Langford to join the sorority.
Six of the sorority sisters filed a lawsuit claiming the transgender pervert was watching them undress."
Viðurkennið það bara, þetta er mjög skoplegt.
15.10.2023 | 18:13
Allt er alltaf eins
Á meðan allir eru að pæla í miðausturl0ndum er allt að gerast í úkraníu:
Og meira:
Gaman gaman.
Palestínuarabar herja á London
"Reports of pro-Palestinians swarming and in some cases attacking counter-protesters are increasing. UK police seem to be ill equipped to deal with crowds should they turn violent, with many not even wearing helmets to prevent head injury.
Antifa members were part of the London Palestine protest on Oct. 14. They stood out for being white people who covered their faces and stuck together. They claim they are against all gods and nations but they ally themselves with Islamists & militant Palestinian nationalists.
The situation throughout Europe and the UK is growing increasingly chaotic; tens of millions of Muslim migrants and non-citizens currently reside in the region."
"The curious bear very calmly walked in, meandered past rows of cold sandwiches and candy bars and only touched one thing: a bag of gummy bears."
Þetta er alvöru fyrirsögn í alvarlegum fjölmiðli
"Why Do Democrats Keep Farting On Camera?"
Þegar stórt er spurt...
"She did anything but clear the air... as Twitter followers couldn't help but notice that during the 45-second livestreamed social-media broadcast, the socialist lawmaker unmistakably appeared to break wind around the 38 second mark."
Undirbúningur fyrir stríð við Kína
"The US Army has launched a blood drive in a bid to guarantee the stocks needed to fight a war with China.
Military chiefs have ordered a complete overhaul of their supply chains to reduce dependence on the civilian population and foreign allies."
Menn eru rólegir.
Menn hugsa í lausnum.
Fyrir á sem hafa minna gaman af heimsmálunum:
13.10.2023 | 17:10
Hlutir til að gera í Jihadinu
Þú gætir til dæmis föndrað.
Hef ekki heyrt neitt um þetta ennþá.
"The European Union appears to be making its move against X, threatening to block the platform and hit it with massive fines over alleged disinformation, but the platforms owner, Elon Musk, is requesting that the EU provide concrete examples to back up its claims.
Musk, however, is asking for specific examples to back the claim and responded directly to Bretons tweet."
EB er ekki að skora nein stig.
Hvað hljómar betur en týndur geislavirkur úrgangur?
"Waste from the oil and gas industry contains toxic and radioactive substances. Disposal of this waste is supposed to be carefully tracked, but 800,000 tons of oil and gas waste from Pennsylvania oil and gas wells is unaccounted for, according to a recent study."
Gott show.
"Mashal has proclaimed the coming Friday the 13th as the Friday of Al-Aqsa flood, urging Muslims worldwide to display their anger not just in Muslim countries but also in diaspora communities around the world.
On Thursday, Muslims rioted in Paris in support of the Hamas attacks against Jews.
Police pushed back against the Muslim protesters."
Það er erfitt að finna eitthvað þessu ótengt í fréttum núorðið.
Hehehe. Þetta er nauðsynlegt.
Rússar eru ekki hrifnir af útlendri tónlist
"The organization attributes the massive drop in royalty payments to foreign artists to the growing demand for Russian music content in the country."
13.10.2023 | 16:25
Það styttist í jólabókaflóðið
Hér er hægt að nálgast ógrynni hljóðbóka um hitt og þetta.
Þessi les bara skrítnar bækur.
Það stafar oft mikil eldhætta af þessum bóka-fígúrum á jútúbinu:
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
12.10.2023 | 16:56
Aðra... minna.
Annað: Þetta er 9 ára...
Einhver er að bæta hlutum á Bitcoin
"What's started with a mysterious inscription on October 7 may end up turning into the latest global protest in support of journalist and activist Julian Assange.
As revealed by Bitcoin Magazine, an unknown "Project Spartacus" has formed in an attempt to immortalize on bitcoin the classified information that the U.S. government has long alleged Julian Assange illegally provided to journalists in the infamous Afghan War Diary."
Það var og.
"Maryville is located just south of Knoxville, nestled right up against the Great Smokey Mountains, among the most beautiful places on earth. Pair that with Tennessee being one of the most freedom-loving states in the Union, and you've got a match made in heaven."
Feeling lucky, punk?
Egyptar taka ekki þátt í neinni vitleysu
"Egyptian officials were reportedly miffed that the Israeli military told Palestinians to flee into Egypt, while Gaza residents were angry at Egypt for cutting off a means of escape.
Egyptian security officials said on Wednesday they have discussed setting up humanitarian aid corridors into Gaza, but categorically rejected allowing Palestinian refugees to flee into Egypt.
Egypts territory on the other side of the Gaza border has a history of terrorism problems, including vicious clashes between Egyptian troops and militants aligned with ISIS and al-Qaeda. The Israelis assisted Egypt with a campaign against Islamist terrorists in 2018."
Hey, þeir segja þetta, ekki ég.
"The spread of Chinese mitten crabs across the UK has been laid bare in a map - as experts warned they are damaging British riverbanks and can give a painful nip if threatened."
Bretar eiga ekki séns.
"A couple on a romantic break in Colorado claims to have captured the mythological creature Bigfoot on camera, wandering on the side of a mountain before sitting down to rest all in broad daylight."
Allir fíla stórfót.
11.10.2023 | 17:20
"En fólkið er vangefið." Segir Gúrúinn.
Ekki rangt.
Nú þegar Bjarni Ben er búinn að segja af sér embætti, rifjum aðeins upp hvað ríkisstjórn hans hefur gert síðan eftir kóvitleysu:
(Bara eftir minni, fact checkið endilega)
1: hækkað skatta
2: aukið útgjöld til kolefnistrúarbragða
3: fjölgað ríkisstarfsmönnum
4: ráðherra ríkisstjórnarinnar hafa framið lögbrot til þess að skemma fyrir matvælaframleiðendum
5: sóað pening í "umsækjendur um alþjóðlega vernd"
6: reynt að afnema mannréttindi íslendinga
7: farið í stríð við Rússland
8: sýnt börnum klám
En það hefur ekki allt verið slæmt. þeir hafa líka... uhm... einhver?
Ef einhver man eftir einhverju sem Ríkisstjórnin hefur gert undanfarin 3-4 ár sem var ekki slæmt, endilega segið mér hvað það var. Ég skal bæua til lista.
Hvað er að ske í útlandinu...
Gaurar búa til færanlegan kjarnaofn
"During a wide-ranging interview with The Epoch Times, the leadership of Nano Nuclear Energy Inc. predicted they would win the race to commercialize a reactor small enough to fit in a shipping container.
Nuclear microreactors are meant to be nimble, mobile sources of heat or up to 20 megawatts of electricity."
Ég þarf þetta. Til að geta haft kveikt heima allan sólarhringinn.
"And so it happened that on the fifth day of Sam Bankman-Frieds historic fraud trial, the prosecution rolled in their star witness, 28-year-old Caroline Ellison, former CEO of Alameda Research.
Ellison named the FTX founder as the ringleader of a $10bn fraud scheme at the cryptocurrency exchange and its associated hedge fund, and testified that she committed fraud at his direction."
BLM vill fremja þjóðarmorð í USA
"As Black people continue the fight to end militarism and mass incarceration in our own communities, let us understand the resistance in Palestine as an attempt to tear down the gates of the worlds largest open-air prison. As a radical Black organization grounded in abolitionist ideals, we see clear parallels between Black and Palestinian people."
Veruleikafyrrtir og morðóðir. Góð blanda.
"A large multi-storey carpark at London Luton airport which is said to have contained over 1,000 cars suffered a structural failure and partially collapsed during a fire Tuesday evening into Wednesday, the blaze rapidly spreading between the tightly packed vehicles and causing them to explode.
The fire brigade has said they do not believe the blaze is suspicious and say it appears to have been started by a diesel car combusting, but a crew commander who responded to the blaze told the BBC the presence of many electric cars at the building may have been an early factor in the fire spreading."
Diesel? Efasemdir.
Musk hefur efasemdir um áframhaldandi frið í Evrópu
"US entrepreneur Elon Musk has suggested that European Union may face the prospect of civil war due to its immigrant-welcoming policies. Two weeks ago, he visited the US southern border, wading into the bitter debate over immigration in his home country.
If current trends continue, civil war in Europe is inevitable, he claimed in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday."
Pöddu-fóbískt fólk finnur pöddu
"A family were left horrified when they found a scorpion with its 'tail quivering' in their kitchen - and believe it may have hitched a 6,000 mile trip back with them from Kenya."
Þarf að spyrja um all þessa hatursgæpi:
Ef það að skopast af samkynhneigðum er hómófóbía;
Það að skopast að trönnum er transfóbía
Það að skopast að pedófólum er pedófóbía...
Þá er araknófóbía sá gerningur að skopast að mönnum sem vilja leggja lók í köngulær...?
Fyrir þá sem hafa áhuga
10.10.2023 | 16:22
Franskar rúmpöddur ofl...
Góð spurning.
Nokkrar ástæður þess að AfD gengur vel
"This polling data shows the massive disconnect between the left-liberal mainstream that promotes mass immigration in the media and culture and the actual sentiment of the German people.
Many new potential AfD voters may be shy voters who are afraid to express their support to pollsters, meaning that pollsters may not be capturing the full picture. The party is, after all, facing a potential ban, openly mocked and attacked by the political and journalistic establishment, and supporters of the party along with politicians have been physically assaulted in the past."
Og fleira...
Það er að laumast inní þetta smá 30 ára stríðs-fílingur
"i24 news correspondent Nicole Zedek reported that she spoke to Israeli soldiers, and they revealed to her that Hamas terrorists are chopping off the heads of babies and gunning down families in their homes."
Gott fólk.
"His Afghanistan withdrawal strategy lead to chaos, horror, and death including for children and American servicemen. His Ukraine/Russia policy undoubtedly played a major role in Putins decision to invade. China has routinely humiliated the U.S. on the world stage. Biden is more responsible than any single person for the humanitarian crisis at the U.S./Mexico border. His efforts to keep Americas Southern border opens confirms that, stunningly, national security is simply not a priority for the U.S. President.
As I document in my new book, Breaking Biden (the definitive book on Joe Bidens record with a strong emphasis on his disastrous foreign policy), the Pentagon reported that the U.S. left $7.12 billion worth of military equipment in Afghanistan upon our departure. This includes aircraft, air-to-ground weaponry, other military vehicles, munitions, and communications equipment."
Maðurinn sem vill afvopna eigin þjóð gefur terroristum endalaust af vopnum.
"According to the New York Post, while most pro-Palestinian demonstrators simply held up signs supporting the end of Israeli "occupation," some went one step further and vocally called for the eradication of Jews from the area.
"We gotta kill them all!" one man yelled. "We're going to kill them all! You better leave our country! You better get out of there!""
Þeir hefðu átt að hugsa út í þetta fyrr
"National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Tuesday implemented the first phase of a plan to distribute thousands of firearms throughout the Israeli public.
As part of the plan, the Ministry of National Security has purchased four thousand Israeli-made rifles to be distributed to the local security teams of various towns and cities."
Örugglega 200 mans væru enn lifandi ef þeir hefðu bara leyft liðinu að vopnast sjálft.
"The bedbug plague in France has seen families in Marseille dump their infested mattresses out into the streets in a bid to rid themselves of the pests.
The French government is battling to contain a bout of nationwide panic, after several schools were closed across the country due to the infestation plaguing the country."
Böggar mig ekkert.
9.10.2023 | 16:40
Hamas gjörsigrar strandpartý
Hamas brýst út úr 15 mínútna borginni sinni og byrjar að herja á strandpartý
"The death toll in Israel rose to 800 on Sunday night.
At least 260 young people were slaughtered at the Dance Party near Kibbutz Urim (Kibbutz Reim) in southern Israel."
Þetta er meira en fjórðungur af mannfalli Ísraela.
Bara að óska sínum mönnum til hamingju.
Af athugasemdakerfi Frettarinnar.
Áflogin breiðast um allar trissur
"The Kirkland waterfront, a wealthy suburb of Seattle, became the scene of dueling protests when supporters of Israel arrived to counterprotest a pro-Hamas demonstration organized by a collection of radical Socialist/Communist groups in the Seattle area."
Ágætt að fólk með sameiginleg áhugamál kemur saman og skemmtir sér.
Enn og aftur er okkur sýnt að þú þarft ekki her til þess að berjast við her. Þarna var bara vel skipulögð militia að gera innrás í meiriháttar herveldi, og valda miklum usla.
Ég er viss um að enginn tekur eftir því. Biden segir að þú þurfir F-15.
Merkilegt líka að almenningur í Ísrael skuli ekki vera vopnaður, með hliðsjón af hverjir nágrannarnir eru.
Þeir lærðu þá sennilega ekkert af þessu 1933-1945 dæmi sem þeir eru alltaf að rifja upp.
"US Weapons from Afghanistan Ended Up in Palestinian Hands in the Gaza Strip
A claim in a news report that American weapons seized in Afghanistan have ended up in the hands of Palestinian groups operating in the Gaza Strip has taken on renewed significance after Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group, launched an attack on Israel on Saturday."
Á meðan, í Úkraníu:
"GENICHESK, October 9. /TASS/. Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) control post near Kherson over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, a spokesman for the regional emergency services reported on Monday."
"The citys Kirovsky and Kievsky districts came under attack. The Ukrainian armed forces fired seventeen 155 mm artillery shells.
The Ukrainian military also carried out two attacks on the Yasinovatovsky District of the DPR, firing seven munitions."
Það er meira af þessu.