Eitthvað hlýtur að hafa gerst í útlöndum undanfarna viku

Og viti menn:


Þrír farast í óeirðum vegna einhvers sem einhver skrifaði á feisbúkk.

Q: "Both Indian and foreign media have been reluctant to quote exactly what the post said, but its author was identified by Al Jazeera News as a man named “Naveen” whose uncle is R. Akhanda Srinivas Murthy, a member of the legislative assembly."

Það er enn verið að leggja Seattle í rúst:


Mörg áhugaverð myndskeið.

Q: "The council has already approved a series of amendments that eliminated the department’s mounted police, SWAT team, and navigation team, according to KOMO"

Þetta fær íróníu verðlaunin í dag:


Q: "Black residents of Portland, Oregon, are reportedly feeling silenced and drowned out by ongoing Black Lives Matter protests..."

"Some feel the overwhelmingly white crowds of protesters — and particularly those committing vandalism — are co-opting the Black Lives Matter movement."

"In July, the city experienced a sharp rise in gun violence that has overwhelmingly hurt Black people."

Meira frá Portland:


Q: "A 77-year-old Portland woman pleaded with anti-police protesters to stop the destructive vandalism amid weeks of unrest in the city — only to have paint dumped over her head, video shows."

Óeirðir í Hvíta Rússlandi vegna þess að enginn trúir því að nokkur geti unnið neð 80% atkvæða.


Q: "Two protesters have died and 6,000 have been detained since angry crowds took to the streets across Belarus after the results of Sunday’s election showed Lukashenko, who has led the country since 1994, winning 80 percent of the vote. Demonstrators have cried foul play, believing that his main rival and united opposition candidate, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, was robbed of victory."

Lukashenko hefði geta bent á Guðna hérna, sem vann með 90% atkvæða, og engum virðist finnast það neitt grunsamlegt.

Fyrir alla sem fá allar sínar fréttir af Stöð 2 og RÚV:


Annað sjónarhorn á þetta.



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