Af nógu er að taka í útlandinu

Viku seinna er fjallað um morð á einhverjum 5 ára krakka:

Q: "Darius Sessoms, 25, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder after allegedly killing the five-year old who was playing in the front yard of his North Carolina home on Sunday."

"While the story is horrific, it certainly seems newsworthy, especially considering the attention paid to it on social media, but mainstream media outlets like CNN, NBC, ABC, The New York Times, etc. all conspicuously overlooked it. This led many to accuse the platforms of deliberately ignoring a story of black-on-white crime, as it would not fit with the current Black Lives Matter narrative."

BLM terroriserar Seattle ennþá:

Q: "Thursday’s protest in the residential area continued a tactic of BLM activists that has also been seen in Portland and Washington, D.C. in recent days. Activists have long visited officials’ homes, but it appears they are now targeting regular citizens."

Kaninn tekur helling af bitcoin af terroristum:

Q: "In a statement, the Justice Department said U.S. authorities obtained warrants to seize the money as well as 300 cryptocurrency accounts, four websites and four Facebook pages the three terror groups used as part of their cyber-enabled campaigns to generate funds."

"The fake website utilized to sell these fake products had international reach, prosecutors said, including to the United States where a customer sought to purchase masks and other protective equipment for hospitals, nursing homes and fire departments."

Ég ætla að setja þetta hér líka:


No shit, Sherlock.

Flóð, Svartidauði, Bangsimon ofl...

... og spilling.  Nauðsynlega.

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