13.9.2020 | 10:49
Śtlönd eru meira skemmtileg um helgar
Mašur tekinn fyrir aš kveikja ķ Oregon:
Q: "Troopers and deputies arrived and found the suspect, Michael Jarrod Bakkela, 41, standing close to a very large fire threatening several homes, according to the Jackson County Sheriffs Office. - A separate criminal investigation is underway regarding the Almeda Fire."
Q: "Puyallup police and state troopers arrested a 36-year-old Puyallup man Wednesday for allegedly starting a large brushfire which temporarily shut down state Route 167 and several ramps near Meridian Avenue."
Annar mašur.
Q: "Jacob Altona, 28, has also been arrested in connection to arson. - Additionally, Anita Esquivel, 37, has been arrested for deliberately setting fires in California, according to the California Highway Patrol."
Facebook er ekki hrifiš af neinum lķklegum kenningum um mįliš:
Q: "Defending what is effectively an act of censorship by the social media giant, Stone noted that speculation suggesting the blazes have been ignited by extremists are forcing law enforcement to divert resources from fighting the fires and protecting the public."
Hmm... er FB eitthvaš aš verja brennuvarga?
Smį óeiršir ķ Hvķta Rśsslandi vegna kosninganišurstöšu sem var minna grunsamleg en forsetakosningarnar į Ķslandi:
Einhver skaut handahófskennt į löggur ķ LA:
Trump um mįliš: "Animals that must be hit hard!"
Mótmęlendur um mįliš: "The sheriffs department also reported that protesters swarmed the entrance and exit of the hospitals emergency room, chanting, we hope they die!"
Į mešan, ķ Bretlandi:
Q: "A naked man was seen carrying what is believed to be a severed hand after broke through a window and escaped from a home where he was being held captive by abductors."
Q: "With the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, headteachers have come under increasing pressure to signal that they are on the right side of history on a wide range of issues."
Žaš er góš įstęša fyrir žvķ aš kaninn vill banna žessa kenningu. Hér, af CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/04/politics/trump-administration-memo-race-training-ban/index.html
Breti um mįliš.
Rśssar grafa upp 39.000 įra björn śr frešmżri:
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.