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Líf á Venus?

Sennilega ekki.  En hverjum er ekki sama?  Q: "Astronomers have discovered potential signs of life on Venus, after identifying a gas called phosphine - a phosphorous molecule with three hydrogen atoms attached produced by bacteria which thrives in oxygen-starved environments, - I should emphasize that life, as an explanation for our discovery, should be, as always, the last resort," - "We have done our very best to explain this discovery without the need for a biological process. With our current knowledge of phosphine, and Venus, and geochemistry, we cannot explain the presence of phosphine in the clouds of Venus. That doesn’t mean it is life"

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Q: "While Kono stressed he's not into aliens when he first issued the order five months ago – "Frankly speaking, I don't believe in UFOs," he told reporters – the official reason for the directive is an increase in drone traffic and other flying objects that move unlike conventional planes. Kono claimed that no Japanese pilot had ever seen a UFO."

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