Satanķskir kynskiftingar ofl...

'Trans Satanist anarchist' with her 'f**k the police' slogan wins Republican nomination

Betsa frétt ever: "A transgender woman who describes herself as a ‘Satanic anarchist’ has won the Republican Party nomination for sheriff in a New Hampshire county after running on a platform of ‘F*** the police.’ - DiMezzo favors ending prosecution of drug crimes, sex work, illegal immigration, and other ‘victimless’ crimes."

Okkur vantar svona.

Q: "An embalmed body in a wood coffin can take more than ten years to fully decompose, Hendrikx says, while a corpse in a Living Cocoon takes just two to three years."

Okkur vantar ekki svona.

Hvalir rįšast į bįta nśna.  Hafa sennilega veriš aš borša flóttamenn, lęrt žetta žannig.

Q: "Multiple injuries have been reported, as well as significant damage inflicted on sailboats, many of which required rescue and had to be towed to shore for repairs."

Glępir og glępamenn:

Q: "A new trial is now underway for an Indiana man accused of raping and butchering his ex-girlfriend before eating parts of her body - Oberhansley is accused of breaking into Blanton's home on September 11, 2014 and then raping and fatally stabbing her.  He then allegedly ate parts of her body, including her brain.  

Blanton's body was found by police in her bathtub with parts of her skull removed. - An autopsy revealed Blanton died from multiple stab wounds and that parts of her heart, lungs and brain were missing."

Q: "A convicted paedophile died after being hit by a train on the day he was due to stand trial for rape."

Svona gera žeir žetta ķ Įstralķu:

Q: "The man, identified as Timothy Atkins, reportedly lives with bipolar disorder and had been waiting for more than a day for mental health help inside the nearby Northern Hospital in Epping, just north of Melbourne, before he gave up and walked out. - The hospital called the police on him - In the first video, Atkins is seen walking through stopped traffic before he turns and walks away from an oncoming police car, which then accelerates into him and knocks him to the ground. - “During the highly dynamic incident a police officer was assaulted and OC spray was deployed before the 32-year-old man, of no fixed address, was arrested and subsequently taken to hospital for assessment,” a spokesperson for Victoria police said, adding that Atkins “damaged a police car.”"

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