Adolf Hitler kosinn í embætti ofl...

Adolf Hitler verður hreppsstjóri í Namibíu

Q: "Adolf Hitler Uunona ran on the ticket of the ruling SWAPO Party of Namibia. He attracted 1,196 votes, compared to 213 cast for his opponent, and secured a seat at a governing council of the Oshana region. The Ompundja constituency, which he represents, has less than 5,000 residents and has long been considered a SWAPO stronghold."

En frá mönnum sem eru bara nafnar fasista:

Hér er alvöru fasisti:

"[Guterres] declared companies must adjust their business models for a green economy, and that means making carbon-free investments and follow the plans for recovery as laid out by the globalist organization."

Brennivín er dýrt í Rússlandi

En handspritt ódýrt: "Eight people who drank hand sanitizer at a house party in Russia after the alcohol ran out have now died, including the parents of five children who are now orphaned."


Q: "A creepy full-face mask that purifies the air you breathe while also completely hiding your identity has raised more than £110,000 in a  Kickstarter campaign.

The BLANC mask is the brainchild of US developers, and features two high-efficiency, reusable and replaceable HEPA filters that each last for two weeks."

Ég spyr bara: hvernig mun maður þá þekkja  Daft Punk frá öllum öðrum?


Tim Pool er svartsýnn.


Forsíða The New Yorker er mjög 2020.

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