Innandyra sól og fleira...

Eins og það þyrfti fleiri sönnunargögn...

Q: "Caught on candid camera... Fulton County supervisors in Georgia tell poll workers, press and observers to leave the room... And then pull out SUITCASES of ballots. Say it with me... F R A U D."

Það er svo miklu meira... Allt svo fyrirbyggjanlegt.

Kínverska innandyra sólin

Q: "Beijing has successfully powered up its “artificial sun” nuclear fusion reactor for the first time, China’s People’s Daily reported on Friday. 

Made to replicate the natural reactions that occur in the sun using hydrogen and deuterium gases as fuels, the HL-2M Tokamak reactor is China's largest and most advanced nuclear fusion experimental research device. 

It is located in southwestern Sichuan province and was completed late last year. The reactor is often called an "artificial sun" due to the enormous heat and power it produces."

Þetta er Kínverskt, svo ég myndi halda mig í hæfilegri fjarlægð frá þessu næstu 10-15 árin.

Project Veritas er að snowdena hlerunum af CNN

Q: "Veritas is planning to parallel the “advent calendar,” McCabe told RT on Thursday, releasing one or two raw recordings every day from Friday through Christmas. 

“They’re going to wish that we had edited their meetings!” he said, in a reference to the frequent gripe of organizations on the receiving end of Veritas recordings that they are “selectively edited.”"

Frekari ævintýri Kínverja í Kína

Q: "For decades, the Party implemented the “one-child policy,” which banned multiple children from one couple. The policy resulted in mass abortions and killings of infant girls – families preferred sons – which is now intensifying the population decline, as there are not enough women of child-bearing age to maintain the population. Ethnic minorities are not subject to the one-child policies, but widespread evidence suggests a campaign in western Xinjiang, where most of the ethnic Uyghur population lives, to forcibly sterilize women to stop the population from growing."

"China Daily noted ominously, “simply allowing a couple to have a second child does not mean they will have one, as the costs of raising children, escalating housing prices and mounting career pressures on women dampen couples’ desire to have more children.”"

"“On the other hand, the increase in the elderly population will raise the burden on the economy and society. In fact, some provinces are already struggling to meet the pension demands.”"


Tengt mál: Á meðan, á Íslandi: öryrkjum fjölgar, að miklu leiti vegna þess að láglaunafólk kann alveg að reikna, og sér alveg svona til dæmis að 300K laun, þar sem maður þarf sjálfur að borga sinn eigin  bíl og sitt hús og afnotagjöld af RÚV og allskyns skatta til þess að' eiga fyrir allskonar fyrir öryrkja eru ekki jafn góð og 300K örorkubætur, þar sem maður fær hús og bíl niðurgreitt og þarf ekki að borga afnotagjöldin.

Þetta eru ekki rakettuvísindi.  En auðvitað má ekki hrófla við þessu.

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