Ítalir vs. Kóvitleysan

Ítölum leiðist kóvitleysan

Q: "The extended restrictions haven’t gone down well with bar owners and restaurateurs. Organizing on social media under the hashtag ‘#IoApro’ (I Open), owners threw their doors open on Friday in protest.

The mood in one Milan establishment was seemingly festive, with music blaring and a full house of unmasked customers ending the night by dancing on tables.

In one video that went viral on Friday night, the footage apparently shows police attempting to enter a pub, before being bullied out the door by chanting customers."

MBL á villigötum eins og venjulega

Og ég get bent á hvernig: "Bú­ist er við mót­mæl­um á morg­un, en fram kem­ur í færsl­um inni á hóp­um stuðnings­manna Trumps og í hóp­um öfga-hægris­inna á sam­fé­lags­miðlum að fyr­ir­huguð mót­mæli verði 17. janú­ar."


Það eina sem ég finn er þetta: Antifa leggur á ráðin:

Q: ""One week from today, Joe Biden will be inaugurated the 46th president of the United States. May he be the last." 

The second status encourages Antifa members in Portland it get ready and to "watch out for specifics" as they plan violent riots for next week."

Og þetta: FBI hantdekur rugludall fyrir plott, og sá er engin sérstakur hægri maður: ""Baker has made multiple violent threats to those he claims are white supremacists, fascists, United States persons with different ideologies than his and allies of the United States,” the complaint states. “In addition, Baker has promoted the killing of United States military officers."

"Baker, who actively participated in multiple protests throughout the United States last summer, has used social media as a way to promote, encourage and educate his followers on how to incapacitate and debilitate law enforcement officers,"

In 2017, he joined the People’s Protection Units (YPG), a group fighting in Syria against ISIS and the government of Turkey, prosecutors said. He claimed to be a YPG sniper and appeared in a documentary film fighting militants overseas. YPG is affiliated with Kurdistan’s Working Party (PKK), which the U.S. labels a terrorist organization."

Hvaðan hefur MBL sínar "upplýsingar?"

Spádómur Babylon Bee

Þeir rætast skuggalega oft.

Fólk á eitthvað minni pening

Q: "Worldwide shipments of smartphones tumbled nearly nine percent last year as the coronavirus pandemic took its toll on the global economy, according to analysis by Digitimes Research."

Eins og þeir segja: "You will own nothing..."


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