3 dagar enn

Tilraun til valdaráns

Q: "These people were proud to call what they were doing – a coup. And at least one of the employees said he leaked information to the press regularly and anonymously."

NY í gærkvöld.

Maður tekinn fastur með fullt af ammó en sleppt aftur

vegna þess að auðvitað: "Beeler's mother and wife told the newspaper that he has a private security job in Washington, which requires that he be armed, and he has been going to the city every day to work his shift."

Mörgþúsind flóttamenn streyma til USA

Frá Guatemala.  

"Mena told the news outlet that as many as 3,500 have already pushed through their border into Guatemala. A Honduran police officer said he observed “more or less 5,000 people” walk past his checkpoint."

Í USA verður þeim þrælað út undir lágmarkslaunum.  Aftur til tímanna fyrir 2016.

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