Biden var fljóttari en Obama að skjóta eldflaugum á einhvern

Biden herjar handahófskennt á Sýrlendinga

Q: "The strikes were in response to recent attacks against American and U.S.-led Coalition personnel in Iraq and to “ongoing threats” to those personnel, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said in a statement Thursday evening."


Frétta-Jésú um málið.

Tim Pool um sama.


Progressives are feeling shafted by Joe Biden

Q: "So, @JoeBiden bombs Syria and kills the minimum wage hike, confirming every fear progressives had," pundit Cenk Uygur tweeted. "The establishment is back! And it absolutely sucks."

Biden fær þá kannski Nóbelinn.

Á meðan, í Kína:

"Women detained in Chinese government-run camps in Tibet are routinely raped by their guards,"

Notthebee er með þetta:


Here are the ten steps:

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

COVID-19 fits the bill nicely. Not only did it originate from beyond our borders (back when we had borders), but can you think of anything more internal than a virus?

2. Create a gulag

The government created the greatest gulag in our history: Our homes. If you were deemed "non-essential," you were to go into "lockdown," the same term used when prisons are trying to quell a riot.

3. Develop a thug caste

Antifa, anyone? BLM, in many instances, too.

4. Set up an internal surveillance system

Contact tracing, vaccine passports, and so on seem to fit the bill nicely. A week does not go by that my phone does not harass me about this. Speaking of which...

5. Harass citizens' groups

It's almost as if the whole citizenry has become a citizen's group, at least if you dare speak out against any of the edicts passed down by our rulers. Small business owner? Prepare to be harassed, and more.

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

Strange that Gavin Newsom hasn't been harassed for ignoring his own Covid rules.

7. Target key individuals

Big Tech is only too happy to!

8. Control the press

You don't have to control someone if they're already on your side. And they'll do their best to control the few remaining voices that are inconvenient to the narrative.

9. Dissent equals treason

You're not being unpatriotic, are you?

10. Suspend the rule of law

Right to assemble, right to worship, even freedom of speech, if you view Big Tech as effectively an arm of the government given how well their interests are aligned.

I'll leave you this, one line that stood out for me from Wolf's original piece in 2007:

It is a mistake to think that early in a fascist shift you see the profile of barbed wire against the sky.







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