Racist Gay Bomb

World Economic Forum er samansafn af illviljušum hįlfvitum

Q: "The World Economic Forum (WEF) has taken down its tweet that claimed lockdowns have been “quietly improving cities,” and admitted that is not the case. But the backdown didn’t spare the globalist titan from a new wave of mockery.

The WEF’s controversial message turned out to be quite short-lived, surviving less than a day on its feed under a barrage of outraged comments."

Gay bomb

Q: "Joe Biden’s Syrian airstrikes were hailed by CNN as a masterstroke of diplomacy, delivered with a scalpel instead of a sledgehammer. Strangely enough, it sang the same song when Donald Trump launched his own strikes."


Fyrir įri, eša svo.

Kķna kvef er svo banvęnt aš ašrir kvillar drepa žig śr žvķ

Q: "Demanding an inquiry, top medical experts and MPs also insisted they were ‘certain’ that too many fatalities were being blamed on the virus.

Dozens expressed similar frustrations that the causes of death of elderly and already-unwell relatives had been wrongly attributed.

A funeral director in the North West told the Mail: The way Covid has been recorded and reported is a national scandal and a thorough enquiry should be opened immediately."


USA diplómatar teknir aftan frį.

Q: "U.S. diplomats in China were subjected to anal swab tests for Covid-19, a Department of State spokesperson confirmed Thursday, adding that a protest had been lodged with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The United States had received assurances from China that the tests were done in error..."




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