The Ewe slides past prayers

eða: áin rennur framhjá bænum.

Papers, please.

Q: "The idea of giving people certificates confirming their vaccination may help the British economy recover from an unprecedented crash due to the coronavirus outbreak, according to the country’s finance minister, Rishi Sunak.

Sunak said the documents would potentially allow people to visit venues or events, thus, helping the economy to get back on track after a series of lockdowns imposed to contain the pandemic dragged it into its steepest crash in 300 years."

Í Sovét Bretlandi.

Biden hefur nú drepið 99.596 manns með Kína-kvefi

Sky News

Um ofangreint.

Antifa er ennþá til.

Af annarri síðu.

Tengd fétt?

Hið dularfulla hvarf flensunnar

Q: "February is usually the peak of flu season, when doctors' offices and hospitals are packed with patients. But that's not the case this year. Instead, the flu has virtually disappeared from the US

Last month, top epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski asserted that, Influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.

There may be quite a number of influenza cases included in the presumed COVID-19 category of people who have COVID-19 symptoms (which Influenza symptoms can be mistaken for), but are not tested for SARS RNA, Wittkowski told Just the News."

Íranir eiga nýja fjarstýrða flugvél

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