

Úr þessari grein eftir einhverja Stanford vísindamenn.

Q: "it has been hypothesized: 1) the practice of wearing facemasks has compromised safety and efficacy profile, 2) Both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to reduce human-to-human transmission and infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, 3) Wearing facemasks has adverse physiological and psychological effects, 4) Long-term consequences of wearing facemasks on health are detrimental."

"In addition to hypoxia and hypercapnia, breathing through facemask residues bacterial and germs components on the inner and outside layer of the facemask. These toxic components are repeatedly rebreathed back into the body, causing self-contamination."

Þetta útskýrir upplýsingar af CDC, þar sem sést að ríki þar sem eru ekki sóttvarnir standa sig betur í sóttvörnum en ræiki sm eru öll á kafi í sóttvörnum.

Grímurnar eru að drepa.

Hvað?  Fylgiði ekki vísindunum?

Ritskoðun hefur aukist í Kóvitleysunni

Q: "Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has warned in its annual report that press freedom has experienced a “dramatic deterioration” during the pandemic, with some nations using Covid to justify limiting the activities of journalists.

The RSF found in its 2021 press freedom index that 73% of the 180 countries evaluated blocked or seriously impeded the work of journalists at a time when, the group argues, the public need the media to serve as the best vaccine against the virus of disinformation."

Þingmenn hóta ofbeldi

Q: "Dershowitz said Waters is taking a page out of the Ku Klux Klan’s playbook to influence court cases by threatening violence."

Það verða óeirðir, sama hver niðurstaðan verður.



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