Vindur leystur fyrir tilstilli dįleišzlu

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Q: "Xandra Samson insisted she had covertly hypnotised to break wind at work

She also said she had been possessed and gaslighted by low frequency sounds

When she complained to bosses they referred her to occupational health team..."


Foreldrar ķ Virginķufylki eru eitthvaš į móti žvķ aš dętrum žeirra sé naušgaš

Q: "Tuesday’s Loudoun County school board meeting, which has been a national hotbed of controversy over the implementation of radical Critical Race Theory and transgender policies, was dominated by parents speaking up about the alleged coverup of a sexual assault by a student who identifies as a transgender woman..."

Naušganir eru vķst löglegar nśna ķ hinum enskumęlandi heimi, aš uppfylltum vissum skilyršum.  Žetta hlżtur aš berast hingaš, eins og öll önnur vitleysa frį žeim.

Hér er ein fyrir svefninn:

Q: "The Center for Medical Progress, which had to enlist the help of Judicial Watch before the university would respond to its Freedom of Information Act request, explained that the school’s GUDMAP program [...], with the help of area Planned Parenthood abortion providers, was "allowing babies, some of the age of viability, to be delivered alive, and then killing them by cutting their kidneys out.""

Žetta veršur heimskulegra meš hverjum deginum.

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