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Q: "In the northern city of Trieste, for example, over 5,000 protesters flooded the port and rejected offers of free coronavirus tests while in Genoa the ferry terminal as well as the international airport terminal have been blocked by large anti-Green Pass manifestations."

Žetta hlżtur aš vera samsęri.

Sósķalistar vilja helst ekki aš fólk kęri kynferšisafbrot

Q: "Before last year, Virginia Code § 22.1-279.3:1 required all crimes that occurred on campus to be reported to law enforcement. However, Democrats successfully pushed for an amendment to that law, replacing the word "criminal" with "felony," leaving misdemeanors out of the law’s required reporting incidents."

Žetta er svona allstašar:  "In 1977, a petition was addressed to the French parliament calling for the abrogation of several articles of the age of consent law and the decriminalization of all consensual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen (the age of consent in France). A number of French intellectuals – including such prominent names as Michel FoucaultGilles DeleuzeJacques DerridaLouis AragonLouis AlthusserRoland BarthesSimone de BeauvoirJean-Paul SartreFélix GuattariMichel LeirisAlain Robbe-GrilletPhilippe SollersJacques RancičreJean-Franēois LyotardFrancis PongeBernard Besret and various prominent doctors and psychologists – signed the petition"

... leftistar.

Stemming ķ Lķbanon

Lögreglan ķ Žżzkalandi vinnur į kommśnista-plįgu.

Brezkur žingmapur rekinn į hol

Daušur nśna: "Conservative British MP Sir David Amess Dies After Stabbing Attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex."

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1 Smįmynd: Kristķn Inga Žormar

Nįnast ekkert af žessu sem žś birtir hér birtist ķ innlendum fjölmišlum, žar sjįum viš helst "smittölur" gęrdagsins og vištöl viš sóttvarnarlękni sem hefur grķšarlegar įhyggjur af stöšu og framgangi "faraldursins".

Kristķn Inga Žormar, 15.10.2021 kl. 22:44

2 Smįmynd: Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson

Ég veit, žess vegna er ég aš birta žetta.

Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 16.10.2021 kl. 16:01

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