Áhugaverðir dagar eru bölvun

Það eru ekki bara Hollenskir bændur sem eru pirraðir

"farmers in Serbia are getting more and more upset about the rising cost of fuel and other basic goods. This has led them to hold protests and give the government an ultimatum, or they will radicalize their actions."

FBI er allt í öllu þessa dagana

"On Wednesday morning, Monroe County Deputies shot and killed a federal agent who was armed and reportedly suicidal in the Florida Keys, according to authorities."


Skattmann ætlar að myrða Bandaríkjamenn

"The IRS is hiring new special agents! Requirements include working min 50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends and Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.

It came after Gaetz, in interviews with Fox News and other outlets, expressed concern after he discovered that the IRS purchased more than $700,000 in ammunition over a span of several days days. The congressman suggested that it’s part of a broader White House plan to disarm Americans."

Spádómar Tim Pool gætu gengið eftir.

Talandi um...

Foreldrar kæra barnageldara fyrir að hafa limlest börn þeirra

"The Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at Tavistock, the largest pediatric gender clinic in the world, will be sued by about 1,000 families of children who were allegedly rushed onto puberty blockers at the U.K.-based clinic...

The class action medical negligence lawsuit accuses the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust in the U.K. of recklessly prescribing puberty blockers with harmful side effects and unquestioningly affirming the gender identities of children with inadequate analysis of mental health."

Í ótengdum fregnum: Svarta bókin hans Epstein, online

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