Solzhenitsyn hefur séð þetta allt áður

FBI mátuðu öll fötin af Melaniu Trump

"FBI Agents Who Stormed President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Not Only Went Through Melania’s Wardrobe But Left It a Mess"

Hér er farið yfir hvernig skatturinn hyggst myrða alla bandaríkjamenn

"Senator Ted Cruz points out that this would make the militarized portion of the IRS bigger than the Pentagon, the Department of State, the FBI, and the Border Patrol…combined."

Solzhenitsyn, einhver?

Eet ze bugz

"There's always solutions that we have to move forward, but not coming from the government per say,—keugh, kkueeuhgh. Holy Christ, I just swallowed a bee, Ford said, after apparently inhaling a bee whole. Holy Christ, I knew that little bugger."

Kína, fyrirmynd glóbalista í öllu.

Bretinn fær að kenna á glóbalismanum

"Energy companies have today been accused of doubling or trebling direct debits without permission - taking some bills close to £1,000-a-month - in what customers are calling 'the great fuel robbery'.

EDF, British Gas, Bulb and Shell Energy are among the companies named and shamed online as many Britons said they cannot afford hundreds of pounds per month extra as the cost of living crisis strangles household budgets."

Græna hagkerfið kostar skildinginn.  Og fjandinn hirði þá fátækustu.

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