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Hundur fęr apabólu

"According to medical journal The Lancet, on June 10, 2022, two men went to Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, in Paris, France, with the men complaining of anal ulcerations and rashes that had spread.

The Lancet describes the couple as "non-exclusive," and says that patient one is a 44-year-old Latona man with HIV, while the second patient is a 27-year-old white man who is HIV-negative.

12 days after the men were diagnosed, their 4-year-old male Italian greyhound began presenting symptoms, including "mucocutaneous lesions, abdomen pustules and a thin anal ulceration."

... jį.

Žetta endar alltaf eins.

Sameinušu žjóširnar vilja drepa alla ķ heiminum

" the world is in its worst food crisis since 2008. The number of people suffering acute food insecurity increased by 25% since January 2022 to 345 million, according to the United Nations World Food Programme. Why, then, is the UNEP trying to steer nations away from fertilizers that increase food production?

After the fertilizer ban, 85% of Sri Lankan farmers experienced crop losses. Rice production fell 20%, prices rose 50 percent, and the nation had to import $450 million worth of the grain. In Rajanganaya, where farmers operate on just a hectare (2.5 acres), of land on average, families reported producing half their normal crop harvest."

Best er aš vera bara ekkert aš taka mark į svona stofnunum.

Žaš er hęttulegt aš vera lęknir ķ Kanada

"As time goes by, the death toll among Canada’s medical professionals rises.

Another Canadian doctor, Dr. Ryan Buyting, a neurosurgery resident at Alberta Health Services (AHS) who was only 26 years old, passed away on July 26, 2022, according to his family.

Canadian medical schools require all students and residents to be fully vaccinated.

Within the past two weeks, Canada has received news of seven deaths of physicians, the most recent being that of Dr. Candace Nayman, as reported by The Gateway Pundit."

Krabbameiniš er ekki einusinni oršiš svo įberandi.  Ennžį.

Žessu tengt

"Quadruple Vaxxed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Catches Covid One Year After Claiming His Vaccine Was 100% Effective in Preventing Covid"


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