Žaš er ekkert lķm ķ lķmonaši

Kommśnistar hafa lķtiš testósterón

"A 2011 study and scientific research confirms a transformation in left-wing males when they were given increased doses of testosterone.

They become more conservative."

Heilbrigš sįl ķ hraustum lķkama er ekki hneigš til fasisma.

Hommar smita hund af apabólu

Mikill Sigurgeir ķ žessu.

Perrar verja rétt sinn til aš skoša litlar stelpur ķ kvennaklefanum

"members of the public gathered outside the Port Townsend, Washington City Hall to voice their concerns in regards to the city’s response in the case of an 80-year-old grandmother who was banned from the local YMCA pool for expressing her discomfort with having a transgender woman in the changing room as she and children were using the facilities, and were met with trans rights activist protestors who tried to disrupt the event before being ushered away by officers."

Heimurinn ķ dag...

Ennžį vesen į bęndum ķ Hollandi:

"Police in the Netherlands have reportedly arrested over 100 people in relation to protests against EU green agenda measures which will see up to 30 per cent of livestock farms in the country forced to close.

Perhaps more interestingly, the national broadcaster reported that around one-quarter of such arrests did not occur during the period when alleged offences supposedly took place, but after the events, with police taking the time to track down individual protesters, a number of whom end up being remanded in police custody for considerable periods of time."

Vona aš žeim gangi vel, žessum bęndum.  Hungursneišir er ekki skemmtilegar.

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1 Smįmynd: Loncexter

Žaš er skrżtiš aš sjį hvert mannkyniš er aš stefna. Nś er mašur aš heyra af barnaperrum ķ u.s.a sem vilja annaš orš ķ staš pedofile.

Svona ekki ósvipaš atferli og įtti sér staš hér į ķslandi, žegar kynvillingar įkvįšu aš žeir vęru ekki ķ neinni villu, og fundu upp oršiš; Samkynhneigšur.

Žį mį vel bśast viš aš ķslenskir barnanķšingar fįi oršinu; Barnanķšingur breytt yfir ķ; Barnaįhugamašur, įšur en langt um lķšur ? 

Spurning hvaš svo margir heilažvegnir og kjįnalegir ķslendingar marseri svo ķ glešigönguna žeirra ?

Loncexter, 17.8.2022 kl. 20:19

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