Hvar fęr mašur XB Falcon og matt lakk?

Leftistar eru hinsvegar allir fślir.


"The Company said it was not updating or reaffirming its previously reported consolidated guidance for the full year 2022, and will provide an update on the fourth quarter 2022 with its earnings announcement that is expected in early November.

  • “External economic conditions have continued to deteriorate over the past few months,” said Mr. Fadel.
  • “This has affected both retail traffic and customer payment behavior, so we are updating third quarter guidance to reflect the impact of those trends on our business.”

Translation: Americans can't even afford to rent stuff any more, let alone buy."


Vel af sér vikiš.

Kaninn er aš gera alveg hreint magnaša hluti um žessar mundir

"Berkeley law students are not the first to exclude Zionists. At the State University of New York at New Paltz, activists drove two sexual assault victims out of a survivor group for being Zionists."

Ekkert mį.

... var dystópķa žį.

FBI er eitthvaš aš delera:

"We can't allow people to find out who's behind this left-wing terrorism because it might inspire evil "right-wing" terrorism.

That's the line our own FBI is going with in the case of CompassCare Pregnancy Services.

And I say, look, Jane's Revenge is the democratic party's new KKK and the new cross in the front yard is burning down pregnancy centers."

Eins og skįldiš sagši: Some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses.


Kalķfornśmašurinn vill gelda börn śr öllum fylkjum

"On Thursday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a piece of legislation that will designate the state as a sanctuary for children and teens seeking medicalized gender transitions."

Žetta hjįlpar engum.

Hęgri-öfga sjónarhorniš.


"This probably cancels out the previous study that says it's bad for us, which canceled out the one before that which concluded it's good, which canceled out the one before that which told us coffee would kill us."


"However, only ground and instant coffee with caffeine reduced the risk for an irregular heartbeat called arrhythmia.

Prior studies have also found moderate amounts of black coffee — between 3 and 5 cups daily — has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, as well as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, type 2 diabetesliver disease and prostate cancer."


Viš lifum žetta af

"The Russian despot declared that 'millions of people' had 'opted' to become vassals of Russia in sham referendums - saying they 'are our people, forever' to a standing ovation in the Kremlin's grand Georgian Hall from his cronies, including Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov, defence minister Sergei Shoigu, and staunch ally Dmitry Medvedev.

He then gave a blistering speech during which he suggested that the US had set a 'precedent' for using nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, hinting that he could be considering his own atomic strike - either against Ukraine or its allies."



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